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Posts posted by Lite

  1. How does the warm system work now because how are we to mess up and then be playing on the server for years and then get allot of warns over time I currently have 6 warns and it bothers me I don’t like having warns it over time I still have them they make me look bad how does this work? 

  2. You had guns out while I was mugging you, and your friend pulled one out as well. The mug wasn’t all the way down the road like it looks you can see the advert. Also the video you have a other friend that I started the mug on then he ran away and got distance. I didn’t advert the mug down the road it was at the hill your friend then ran around and came up on the side and when I seen you the guns where out so I fired I believe this is reasonable 

    And a mile away it wasn’t  even more then 25 feet check the time it took me to get their from the time of advert. I don’t believe i am in the wrong . 

  3. I personally think these should be removed if they are old. Something needs to be implemented to have warns removed because people make mistakes that mistake shouldn’t be a permanent record on the person when they are months old.




  4. In-Game Name: ReaperLIght

    Steam Name: [GL] ReaperLight

    SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:151548913

    What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Senior mod, Police RP

    How many posts do you have on the website? 211 

    How often are you online on the forums? Most of the time 

    Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? (100 Words Minimum) Well i would say i love the forums and responding to allot of different types of situations.  I think this is a good way to get my activity up and a great way to help Gaming light. i would need a little bit of training but i'm not worried that i would not be able to handle it or have the time to. in fact i would have almost every day thanks to my laptop i would be able to check anywhere and anytime. Also i love to learn so from this i would like to get a new experience and new tools for later in life i could use from learning from this position. i have always wanted to be a forum diplomat and hope to be one thank you for reading  this.  

    Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to pass make a difficult decision? Becoming a staff member. it takes a lot of time but teaches you so many things and honestly i have learned so much from it.  And how to handle stress situations and handle them with a cool head. 

    How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers?I would Mute/hide the chat. Then i would reach out to them asking what the problem is. after i have handled all that i would show them to the right place. 


  5. 3 hours ago, Asuka said:

    +/- Support (Will change when the proper info is given)

    -From what you are saying, it does seem to be a false warn, but some other evidence is needed to fully understand the situation.

    Need to wait for Springs reply

    Also, the format is a bit messed up, so its a bit hard to read when the video is posted 4 times over

    +- waiting for a response


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