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Posts posted by Lite


    1.What is your in-game name?:ReaperLite

    2.What is your steam name?:[GL]Reaper Lite

    3.What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:151548913

    4.Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)Only on gaming light.

    5.What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)Roughly 3 months ago

    6.What date did you make your forums account? January 14, 2018

    7.Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Senior moderator\Vip+

    8.How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? https://m.imgur.com/gallery/ME06FOC

    9.Have you donated? Around 200$

    10.What rank are you applying for? ADMIN

    11.Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? Never Gaming light forever

    12.Have you read the staff guidelines Yes

    13.Timezone: Western time.

    14.Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Scoot, Calamity, Freeze, Emoo, CamPbell 

    15.Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    So i have been playing police RP for a very long time. i think i have shown my Dedication to the police RP server. I have worked day in and day out making sure someone was there keep the rules in line. I have around For months of experience as a staff member. i may not have Warn allot that is because i only warn when requested or when needed. In my time being a staff member i noticed allot of work and time and hard effort it means to be a staff member. there was a time i had second thoughts because all the schoolwork and  i had to do after school stuff. But no matter what i stuck with it and i will continue to. I have learned allot like banning someone witch was needed. my time on gaming light has taught me allot of things and i continue to progress. I believe i will do very good in the admin position and i am really looking forward to earning my way up there.  This is coming for the side of me that truly believes i will do a good job and my best job. So if you are reading this understand the hard work and dedication and time put into the server. being an admin takes allot of work and effort and i am ready for it. i know this because all the sits i overall have taken and the time put into staffing. i know it is a huge step up and is a serious Rank to get into. witch i am ready and willing to learn anything else if needed and put in anymore time if needed. this server as truly been one of the biggest experiences of gaming i had ever have. i will continue to do my best and if i am accepted nothing more then my best. witch not saying i am i truly believe in trying and mistakes do happen. if do not feel fit for the job i wouldn't apply but i am confident i can do the job right and professional. i play every weekend and im on at night time allot but i try to get on as much as i can.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    I would use the jail TP. then when they are on the roof, i would explain the situation. if they proceed staff dis i would gag them so they cant talk if they curse in the chat give them a mute. and warn them for NCWS staff dis, NITRP .


    17. These questions are only for people applying for Admin/Senior Admin/Super Admin:

              -What would you do if you think a player is an alt account? If i thought it was a Alt account. i would Spectate them and monitor the players profile. any information i gather would be shared with a higher up Senior+ to Make sure its really a alt Account

                -What would you do if a player is threatening to charge back? 

    I would would show the them the rules of donating and let them know if they break it they will get blacklisted. i would also contact JMT+ if the charge back was to happen.

              -A family is mass minging and causing issues, how would you stop the family from minging?

    I would Port the members to a Rooftop. warn them verbally. I would monitor the situation if they continue to minge i would give them all a warn. 

              -How would you deal with a situation you don't know what to/don't know the answer to? (Don't answer with "I know everything!") 

    If there was anything i was unsure of i would make sure to contact a higher up. If there is no higher up i would check the Staff handbook and Motd.


  2. On 2/11/2020 at 7:02 PM, Chief_ said:


    Was also just recently banned by you for 

    Mass Staff Diss | Racism | RDM | ARDM in a Sit | [email protected] ~ Jayden

    I feel like he doesn't have any intent to RP if he is going to be acting like this. 

    On that being said +support legit if you dont want to RP or respect the rules look for another server. 

  3. On 2/17/2020 at 12:10 PM, LuckyGoose said:


    I have given you the document and was reading it to you. The video the officer showed me is you hitting the gov car. And if you read it says hit PD doc stating the price. He could charge you for more but he didn't, he was going easy on you. I understand you didn't want to be warned but i gave you a link i read it to you and when i said I'm warning you you said its fine i will take the ticket to avoid a warn.

    - Support i dont see anything wrong with this wan. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Jayden said:

    I agree with Max that this should be in the Report Center as a False Warn Appeal instead.

    Based on that I must -Support as the location of this report makes this more about Eternity than anyone else.


  5. On 1/13/2020 at 4:07 PM, Ronin said:

    -support due to what Calamity has enlightened us with.

    I mean A ban is well needed for the problems but i think more evidence is required to push a perm ban. like a ip or steam id or something to compare to because knowing the rules is not a crime.  I also knew a person who sounded just like Valkyrie voices sound the same a voice alone does not convict you of being the person needs IP and matching before we go accusing someone of being the person. 

    1. note that voices sound the same in some cases like with valk.

    2. He bluntly broke the rules and the ban is necessary

    3. Its as almost blunt as unsupported facts sounds can be the same voices can be the same. let alone PROOF is the key. if you can get proof that its him 100% besides his voice.

    His view: Being banned because you sound like someone knowing your not. no clear evidence was brought to point besides sounding like a person. and knowing the rules witch could mean he was here before our just read the rules.

    our view: he sounds like them knows rules but still decides to not listen to them clear evidence of being a Minge. 

    Outside view: no IP VPN or trace to pin point no digital footprint to prove his wrong doing in secondary accounts. besides the voice sounding the same. when we know voices sound the same there are to many people in the world for not to be the same. 

    Needs a bigger investigation 

    -/+   :key note if you cant match it dont fact it.  I do not wish to support someone who is bad just my view is be 100% certain with the evidence to back it up voice let alone is not good enough. these are people apart of the community weather we like it or not and wrongfully giving them a name that could or cant be them is not good. i honestly have a strong opinion because if you get convicted of a fracture of the rules i would want the evidence stacked or the facts there. he did break rules so he is on vault for the perm but the smoke thing is questionable. 

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