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Posts posted by Issa

  1. In-Game Name: Issa

    Steam Name: [GL] Issa

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80382088

    Are you a Moderator+? Yes

    How often are you on TeamSpeak? Everyday

    Do you have a working quality mic? Fantastic Mic

    What timezone are you in?  EST

    Why would you want to join our Support team( 100 words+) Joining the support team would further allow me to grow my commitment to the community. Allowing me to interact more with members helping where and when I can. Becoming a member of the support team will not only grow my commitment to the community. I can be more involved with the staff team and being more helpful. My patience with people is a strength for myself id like to say considering I work with special needs students on a daily basis. I like to help people. Thats why im a staff member to begin with! Becoming a member would be an honor and a privilege. 

    How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? Simply like i said above. I can be very patient and work with the person requesting support

    How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? Hello! My names Issa with gaming lights support team what can i help you with today!

    Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? Yes i have and agree to follow them!


    PS i dont know when this will be removed but if it is during the time i still have my Tmod tags. I received moderator today 10/6/28 and would like to get the ball rolling on this

  2. 6 minutes ago, Fame said:

    You guys have to understand that we actually love constructive criticism and I’m always open to it. But there is a fine line between constructive criticism and dissrespect. It’s not tolerated here. Just try to stay nice and positive. Trust me, it gets you way farther than being mean and dissrespectful. Both in this community, and in real life.

    Nicely put

  3. 17 minutes ago, Roleplaygod said:

    Ok, I like to follow the rules to the book but sometimes you have to put the book down and look at the case. He got a gig and was getting paid for it. Someone told him that they would pay for him to develop. At the point it is no longer a game it becomes a job with a responsibility. I understand that he took Staff on another community by doing so but when money comes into play then everything changes, Money moves the world and I don't see why he would get a 6 month restriction just for taking a gig and getting some cash to put some food on the table or buy himself whatever he needs. If he did it just because he wanted to and just to become staff there and leave us then the restriction would make sense but I doubt anyone here would turn down getting paid to do something that you know how to do and you enjoy.

    + Support

    (even tho I think this will get denied)


  4. +Support 

    Its funny how everyone jumps to IT WILL LAG THE SERVER. News flash the server already lags with out it. This would honestly be pretty cool I like the police line idea! 

    I honestly think non of this would cause lag. A mini map is a simple HUD(THAT WE ALREADY HAVE) 

    Police line would be dope. Guess what it won’t lag the server because it’s a fucking prop


    ladder.... nahhh 

    badges and shit would be dope for “off duty” RP reasons!


  5. 16 hours ago, Cole Phelps said:


    + It is becoming very apparent that this has been a problem lately

    - I personally don't find the word minge "Offensive" in any way

    - In a similar context, Criminals run around harassing police calling them "Pigs" and saying stuff like "F*** you stupid a** Pigs!"  so if "Minge" is seen as harassment, saying stuff like this to a Police Officer that is just driving by should also be considered harassment as well and be treated as such.


  6. So my activity fucking dropped due to my PC eating shit... But I’ve completely rebuilt a new PC and should have everything finalized on Friday. Basically what happened to my old PC is I went away on vacation and allowed my brother to use it. Bad idea he left it on all week. And it was overclocked all week. No kidding it melted the power supply and fucked up everything but the shell. So I had to start from scratch 

  7. So i was looking through the MOTD after this happened and found "Murder must be done in a secluded place". Now i warned you because i thought you blasted this guy in the street. After looking back at the logs i found you Awped that dude like across the map... So I think it should be removed... Sorry about that bud






    ive seen other departments destory them exmp bsi or nsa as i said beofe it is like inpounding a car 




    it is legal to own a car but we can still inpoundit (destory it) if the pd feel like they need to

    I don't think you understand what impounding is. impounding is... Impounding is for cars to use as evidence. Bitcoin is legal irl no reason it's illegal in games 

  9. What if there using the bitmining money to fund crime bank raid burglary ect

    Then BSI would launch an investigation if they have valid evidence of a crime being committed funded by said bitcoin. Then yes! i think they should be raided for evidence


  10. they can if they are doing a raid on them inpounding them like they can inpound your car

    They impound you vehicle if you are doing illegal acts within it... Impounding is "evidence" if we were to be real... Last time i checked you can not 1.) Impound Bitcoin because its not a car. 2.) You cant do anything illegal with bitcoin as of now... There is no valid RP reason to take bitcoin as evidence. Thats why Zeeptin made it legal in the first place. PD are NOT to touch Bitcoin end of story. If SMT could chime in... Its impractical to destroy a perfectly legal item... Back to the dishwasher thought... Would they impound ya dish washer


    @Snarlax @Nolan 

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