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[AWOL] Jojo

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Posts posted by [AWOL] Jojo

  1. 8 minutes ago, GhostlyNinjaDude said:

    So you can just give yourself GOA and boom you’re automatically equivalent to Commissionor? 


    Correct me if im wrong.

    If you’re commissioner in PD and go on the class you would be GOA (Think that’s what he means).

  2. 17 minutes ago, EternityAgar said:

    This sounds like a PD issue, i'd go take it to PD command or make a post in the Police section.

    He’s just saying sorry.

  3. 11 hours ago, AnarchyReigns said:

    +/- Support
    Clearly he doesn't want to RP and is disrespectful, but this is a bit of an odd case as it didn't happen on server...Hmmm.


    11 hours ago, Smoke said:

    -/+ Support

    As this the player disrespect didn't happen on a direct gaminglight platform Im pretty sure nothing can be done about it. Not accusing you of anything but its possible to fake something like that. Have a friend change their nickname and profile picture to the person you are impersonating and have them send you that. Again not accusing you of doing that but we cant be 100% sure its the person you are reporting doing it.

    This is the only thing I have a picture but he dissed other people before. 


    You could look up my historic friends on steamid.uk and you’ll see.

  4. Your in game name: SGT John 1B83

    Your Steam ID: 


    The player's in game name: Winston UMC 

    The player's steam ID (required):


    What did the player do: Him and some others were shooting in spawn so me and an OFC reaponded and moved in to arrest one of the suspects (Winston had died). When we moved in Winston walked out of spawn and opened fire for no reason. He was then warned for RDM. After the warn he left and decides to find me on steam and send the message pictured below. He had been playerdissing before too but I’m afraid I have no picture of that.

    Evidence (required):


    What do you believe should happen to the player: No clue

    Any extra information: I don’t normally report players but he was very disrespectful to another SGT for example so I felt like I had to.  I normally don’t mind player dissing in game but I do mind if you go and say such things on steam.

  5. 1 hour ago, Freeze said:

    I warned him and like I said Il +support, just make sure format is correct


    Crashes happen and if you come back and say u did it should be removed.


    OmG u FAlSe waRNEd hIM gIVe me money

  6. -support 

    I don’t find it that OP with the recoil and stuff unless the Negev is in your face. I’ve slaughtered people with MP5 when I’m standing that close and imo every weapon kills quick when you’re up close. 

    Reload speed is slow as it is.

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