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Baja Blastius's Lord VI Application

Baja Blast

Do I get the job  

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What Is Your In Game Name?: Baja Blastius


What Is Your SteamID?: STEAM_0:0:754435951


How Long Have You Been In IQ?: About a month


Have You Been In Purge, If so, What Rank Were/Are You?: N/A


Why Would You Like To Become The Rank Of 2LT/Lord VI?: I would like to become a Lord VI to improve the activity and standards of the Inquisitorious branch. In the time I have been in IQ I have noticed the lack of experienced officers or officers in general and I would like to help lead and train future officers and NCOs and give them the chance to have as much fun as I have had. I want to also help the officers and assist them with the challenges they may face or struggle with. 


What Could You Bring To The Inquisitorious Officer Team?: What I could bring to the officer team is my leadership and dedication I provide to the server. If I become an officer I will try my hardest to help lead the battalion and assist the command team in any way possible. I will also host many fun and creative training and SIMs as well as do flag-ups and answer any questions the NCOs may have. I believe the main problem with the IQ is that there isn't that many things they can do on their own and need either an officer+ or a GM to do which I would like to help with. I also want to bring any new ideas for the battalion to the command team and express any issues I have with them.


Do You Have Any Previous Officer Experience?: Yes, I was a Naval officer, SF pilot officer as well as the current Tank Vice Commander. 


Do You Understand The Duties And Protocols You Must Undertake As A Member Of The Officer Team?: Big time.


How Many Strikes Do You Have?: Zero


Former Head Gamemaster

Former Tank Vice Commander


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6 hours ago, Neon lights said:


Really cool guy and is already a vice commander for tanks.


Current: Retired Member
Former: Security SFTO 2LT Mork, WD-V Eqvites Cassius WRDN, Juggernaut Squire Mork NOG, Advanced Researcher Mork, PU-HAL-P.9.0.0, Purge 2LT Mork, Last Inferno Squad ID10, Nova LCPL Mark, Admin Mork, Deputy Chief Mork, First Ever Recruited ISB:IA Member

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On 4/17/2023 at 7:04 AM, Neon lights said:


Really cool guy and is already a vice commander for tanks.


Retired - IC Vice Commander 1207 Sev 

Retired - ImperialRP Staff Member | Senior Moderator/Admin | Gamemaster V

 Pyke Enforcer ESR Alpha ISB:IA Senior Operative Alpha SF OVL Senior Aviation Officer Rexler Brath | Death Trooper SGT AA0 | IC SSL DMS LTCOL 6654 Alpha | IC CSVL 4060 Gren | Purge LTCOL | Inferno Squad Head Agent | IC OSVL 8015 Fi | 501st ARCLT 2LT ST SCTS 2LT | Medical Research Supervisor 2LT Havoc MSGT | Shock HVYO 1LT | 31st SFC | Nova CSM 

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Please speak to any Maj+ to receive your officer training

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                                        Imperial Sith Trooper | 2x Eighth Brother, DT MAJ

                                                 E11 D4 STF, Senior Moderator

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