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Alpha's Staff Application- Accepted


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What is your in-game name?:
IC VCMDR 1207 Sev | SF OS Flying Officer Alpha

What is your steam name?:
[GL] Alpha

What is your steam ID?

Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)
I was staff at Icefuse for close to 2 years.

What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)

Late 2020

What date did you make your forums account?

November 29th 2020

Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?


How many warns do you have on the server?

I have no warns

Have you donated?


What rank are you applying for?

Trial Moderator

Have you read the staff guidelines at

You will be tested on it:
Yes I have


Permission (Admin+ need this):

Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length):
I have been in this community for a long time now and feel that I am trusted by quite a lot of people. I am current a VCMDR in IC as well, I have spent my time in this server helping others to the best of my ability as well as assisting where I need it. I am also a calm and dedicated member of Gaminglight as well as any issues or problems that I stumble across or ask to come and help with, I do my best to fix and help the situation until it gets fully solved. This is a key aspect to have when going into staff. I'm hoping I can become a new addition to this staff team and use my past experience in staffing to help this team grow to the best of my ability. In the end, I feel that I deserve the rank of Trial Moderator because I am active, Trustworthy, and work hard on and in this server. 

How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?:
I would calmly ask them to stop and if that didn't work then I would then proceed asking them why they are doing that, if all else fails after several attempts I would temporarily gag/mute them to explain our side to why they need to be calmer for this. Afterwards I would ungag/mute them and try to have a normal conversation with them about what had happened. If they couldn't do this I would then proceed to mute them once again until the sit has concluded. I would ask both parties there side of the story, afterwards I would ask for Video Evidence and also proceed to check logs. After I have checked the logs, if they need to be warned they will be. If it is enough to warrant a ban, I will follow proper COC and bring it up the ranks via Ban request and etc. I would explain there punishment and the severity of it, as well as tell them that if they wish to appeal it they may, I would also go into detail on how they could better improve next time and how not to get into this type of scenario as well, if they were a newer player as well, I would go through the rules and how to play the server with them so that they can get a better grasp on the server too.

Edited by Alpha0

Current - DT VCMDR AL0 | Admin

Retired Staff -  Senior Moderator | Gamemaster V

IC VCMDR 12-7 Sev | Pyke Enforcer ESR Alpha ISB:IA Senior Operative Alpha SF OVL Senior Aviation Officer Rexler Brath | Death Trooper SGT AA0 | IC SSL DMS LTCOL 6654 Alpha | IC CSVL 4060 Gren | Purge LTCOL | Inferno Squad Head Agent | IC OSVL 8015 Fi | 501st ARCLT 2LT ST SCTS 2LT | Medical Research Supervisor 2LT Havoc MSGT | Shock HVYO 1LT | 31st SFC | Nova CSM 

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Dedicated on the server and good man

Knows what is he doing 
good luck


                                            "That's that, and this is this."

                                                        Black Silence

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3 hours ago, ENT said:

Dedicated on the server and good man

Knows what is he doing 
good luck



Previously: IC CSS 2LT 4568 Blu, Junior Operative Laser, Moderator Laser


Current: IC DME CPL 2437 Laser, Senior Crewman Laser

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23 hours ago, ENT said:

Dedicated on the server and good man

Knows what is he doing 
good luck




Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

First ever No Helmet Second Sister 

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Very Dedicated
Been on the server a while
I believe he would make a good Tmod

Current: DT M36 | Imperial RP GM III | ImperialRP Moderator
Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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2 hours ago, Anomaly said:

Very Dedicated
Been on the server a while
I believe he would make a good Tmod


Current: Retired Member
Former: Security SFTO 2LT Mork, WD-V Eqvites Cassius WRDN, Juggernaut Squire Mork NOG, Advanced Researcher Mork, PU-HAL-P.9.0.0, Purge 2LT Mork, Last Inferno Squad ID10, Nova LCPL Mark, Admin Mork, Deputy Chief Mork, First Ever Recruited ISB:IA Member

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