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Spike's D5 App


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Name -


Steam ID -


Discord Name -


Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)  -

None currently (ex WO in GenSec)

List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) -


Why do you want to join Delta-5?

Seems like a good way to get back into the SCP RP world after being on retirement for so long and i dont want to go back into gensec since ive already spent so much time there and want a new look at the server.

Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words)

Well marking my past experience in GenSec alone I have almost 2 weeks of time on this server and in that time I served under the GenSec banner only and was able to reach the rank of WO and become a SFTO along with being a member of Wardens and Jug. Even going as far as to pick up the riot control and sniper roles too. And although the roles I have obtained do not speak for my skill they do speak for the diversity of the skills I do have and my reliability to do multiple tasks and to complete them to the best of my abilities. Additionally my time as a member of wardens and jug helped me to learn how to strategize before and during live combat encounters making me generally viewed as being a great strategist by those who knew me in GenSec. Furthermore my proficiency with all manner of weapons and tools makes me a great generalist that can fit into any role that may be needed for a job, be it a sniper, stealth op, guy with big gun, basic foot soldier or even under cover behind enemy lines you'd be hard pressed to find a job I couldn't do or figure out how to do in less than 20 minutes.

Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values?

I promise to uphold the rules and values of this server.

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