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Staff Report- Denied


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Your In-Game Name: Mr Richard Wayne

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:63873160

Staff member's In-Game Name: MATILDA

What did they do?
Player Targeting And not having any evidence, Being rude and Unjust. They Froze me for like 15 minutes and muted me after talking for 5 of it then decided i needed a warn for nothing.

Evidence (REQUIRED): 



What do you think is an acceptable punishment?
Either a unban or at least someone to talk about the situation and go from there.

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I can explain exactly what happened here. I was going to pull you over for reckless driving and you pulled off aka breaking priority rules. There is no clip of this but you said "oh no its Matilda" and then pulled off like it was a reason to just drive off. You later told me you had weed on you which is not a reason to just pull away from a traffic stop since I didn't even know about it.

I can agree that me talking to you could've been done more professionally however you and the other player that I needed to talk to was right there. I was trying to talk to you and you decided to talk over me therefore the gag.

Never ever would I player target or treat a player unfairly while on or off duty, I'm only here to do my job as a staff and enforce the rules.

Edited by Matilda
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6 minutes ago, Logan said:

- Support


The evidence provided in your "claim" does not show the footage before this encounter. In fact the clip just shows that you don't understand the server rules.

More on the "In fact the clip just shows that you don't understand the server rules" 


You consistently break rules, mainly FearRP. 


Huge -support

You also don't show the whole situation. 


I also just saw you break priority rules yesterday. 

Edited by Cuke
Needed to add.
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Im back


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You need a valid RP reason to run from a traffic stop.

"6-) Priority Rules

Criminals must have a VALID reason to run from Police. This includes but is not limited to

Having a warrant for shooting at government

Your vehicle being wanted in a prior pursuit

Your life is threatened by an officer"


Every criminal spawns with something not legal, that doesn't give you permission to break priority rules whenever. You also were very aggressive, dismissive and disrespectful for no reason and did not give Matilda a chance to explain the rules, I suggest you cool down a bit.

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