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Nemesis/Maroon Officer Application


IC SGM 4461 Nemesis/Maroon Officer Application  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Am I ready for Officer?

    • Yes
    • No

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1. Your full in-game IC name and rank: Steam name Dr.Offen, IC name Nemesis - Maroon - SGM

2. Have you ever been striked in IC? (How have you improved?): No

3. How many warnings do you have?: 0

4. How is your in-game activity? (Officer activity is tracked by IC and HC.): Really good as im on everyday for atleast 3+ hours

5. What is your current sub-specialty?: SSE, DMS and CSVL

6. Why do you want to become an IC Officer? (150+ Words): I have a couple of reasons why i want to become an IC officer. One of the reasons is that i want to help the battalion.
and improve on any things that may be wrong with IC. I want to be able to be there more for the enlisted and NCOs that have different time zones so they have a higher chance of becoming great  officers in the future. One major problem currently is the lack of officers in IC, and I have experience as an officer, so I want to be able to help the other officers with any problems within IC. I have past experience as an officer; I was a DT officer and an IF Head Agent, which is why I believe I am a good fit for the position of IC officer. When it comes to my duties as a NCO, I believe I have been quite efficient with them as a NCO.
So this is another reason why I would make a great IC officer: I complete my duties as quickly as possible, which means I have more time to assist and help the battalion without being too focused on quota. And i want to take a new step in IC.

7. Why should you be trusted to become an IC Officer? (100+ Words): I have had past experiences of being an officer, having been one in Death trooper and Inferno Squad. I know how officers should behave and work. I have never been striked or removed from a regiment during my time on IC or on the server. With my past experience as an officer, I'm ready to assist and help IC with any problems that may come. during my time as an officer. I'm ready for officer and i want to be able to show my dedication to IC in new ways that could not be seen from my position as a NCO.

8. What advantage would you bring to IC by becoming an Officer (100+ Words)?: I'm really active on IC and I'm in DT, but that does not make me move away from my roles as an NCO, and it would not make me move away from the roles of IC officer. I try and strive for people to have fun by bringing trainings, SIMs, and other roleplay activities, such as repairing EC. I'm really dedicated  to IC, and i want what is best for IC to progress into a more serious regiment while making it fun at the same time. I want to make it so people stay in IC and want to strive for higher ranks within IC. I'm dedicated to the server and IC, and I want to make IC a more serious regiment without enlisted people going around minging and teaching them the rules and other aspects of IC so they may perform their duties better. I want to also improve on the amount of NCOs we currently have, as we currently don't have that many, which makes it harder for new people to be introduced into the regiment and for enlisted people to be trained correctly by the NCOs with their training.

9. Please specify the 2 Major+ Members that gave you Permission to Apply for this role: Alpha/Sev - VCMDR :-: Snow/Niner - Major


Current: IC CSVL SGM 4461 Maroon - DT SGT LS2

Former: DT Officer Former: IF Head Agent

Current: IC © LTCOL 4457 Reaper - DT SGT LS2

Former: IC Vice Commander Scorch - IC © 4457 Reaper IC © 4561 Maroon - DT Officer -

IC © 4560 Gren - IF Head Agent - DT NCO - SO CPO - DT OFFICER - IC Officer -


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-Isn't afraid to go above and beyond
-Cares about the battalion
-Very Active IC member 
-Has done good as an NCO thus far
-Honest and dedicated
-Has previous experience 
Concerns not -Supports!!
-I know that your time Zone makes it difficult for you to be on during active hours sometimes 
Overall +support
I am confident that you would be a fine addition to the officer core!

Best of luck to you!!!

*Former Senior Moderator*
*Former Shock Captain* *Former IC LTCOL Niner*

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7 hours ago, SnowSpartan7 said:

-Isn't afraid to go above and beyond
-Cares about the battalion
-Very Active IC member 
-Has done good as an NCO thus far
-Honest and dedicated
-Has previous experience 
Concerns not -Supports!!
-I know that your time Zone makes it difficult for you to be on during active hours sometimes 
Overall +support
I am confident that you would be a fine addition to the officer core!

Best of luck to you!!!

You're a very good NCO Nemesis and I believe you'd make a fine addition to the Officer team!


Good Luck Nemesis!

Ex-Imperial Commando Vice Commander Δ 1140 Fixer (x2)
Co-Creator of the Imperial Commando Hazard Control Division
Former Blacklisted Member!!! (for like 2 hours cause beckett a goat frfr)

Former: First EVER IC Hazard Supervisor | IC Ω OSLD HS Colonel 1309 Niner (x2) Last EVER IC Demo LeadIC CST MaroonISB: IA Junior Operative ISB11 | Shock HVYAL LTCOL SK277 | Inferno Squad Agent IF27 | 69th RCCS 1LT 2711 Nova  SSGT | 501st HVY SGT 2770

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16 hours ago, SnowSpartan7 said:

-Isn't afraid to go above and beyond
-Cares about the battalion
-Very Active IC member 
-Has done good as an NCO thus far
-Honest and dedicated
-Has previous experience 
Concerns not -Supports!!
-I know that your time Zone makes it difficult for you to be on during active hours sometimes 
Overall +support
I am confident that you would be a fine addition to the officer core!

Best of luck to you!!!


Current: Retired Member
Former: Security SFTO 2LT Mork, WD-V Eqvites Cassius WRDN, Juggernaut Squire Mork NOG, Advanced Researcher Mork, PU-HAL-P.9.0.0, Purge 2LT Mork, Last Inferno Squad ID10, Nova LCPL Mark, Admin Mork, Deputy Chief Mork, First Ever Recruited ISB:IA Member

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Welcome to the brotherhood!

Current: I Advisor Core I I IC R COL 3877 Core I 
Previous: I Head Admin I I High General Core I I Senior Commander Core I I IC Commander Boss I  I Delta 62 VCMDR Scorch I I IC ES01 CPT 3877 Core I I K2S4 SK387 I I Shock CSM SK387 Khan I I Senior Forum Diplomat I I Assistant Head Gamemaster I



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