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SCP-082-01-A Test Log Report #01


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SCP-RP: E-11 SSGT | EXM | CE | DoRCU | Senior Ranger Canadian | CI LCPL | JFTO | CQOP | Platinum

PoliceRP: SNR Lafleur 1D45 | FBI Probatory Agent | Diamond
Retired: Medical Supervisor | E-11 SM | Nu-7 SM | DHFTO | HTF Mark II | Security CPT | Warden Centurion |
 Senior Moderator

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Grammar/writing: 25/25- Didn't see any grammar issues

Creativity/Execution: 14/25- I like the test but the test was kind of “basic” I have seen many tests of researchers telling Class D to call 082 fat or overweight.

Lore: 13/25- There was really no lore usage in this log just about how you were talking about a your own background research and not that much of 082

Length/Format: 18/25- The length of the test log was extremely short. It had a good format but you could definitely improve it. I have seen the same Warning page multiple times maybe try making your own


TOTAL: 70/100 This was a good log and a nice read but try improving a almost everything and you would have a great test log

Signed: R.S Ghost.




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