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049-2/966 "Undead Demons"


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Format: (15/25)

I like how you made it like a computer with files but other than that it is mostly basic. You could have made a login screen before or after the files.

Grammar / Punctuation / Etc: (24/25)

Didn't see any issues with grammar or punctuation.

Quality / Originality: (14/25)

The log is a bit short. Should probably add more to it

Idea: (16/25)

The idea is kinda interesting but it just seems like the test was to see who would win in the fight

Total: (69/100)

Good job for a basic test log but for the future I would add more detail about the SCPs and the test itself. If you have any questions please DM me: Ghost05#5358

Signed: RAS Ghost




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