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Mary's D5 App


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Name - Mary

Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:519066521

Discord Name - Valltony#0095

Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)  - None right now but I used to be past RnD CMD, Medical CMD, and E11 CMD back in 2021.

List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - For server warns, the SS below and maybe a few strikes for missing meetings a long time ago.

Why do you want to join Delta-5? - Mostly because I like the PvP that is on the server and I know like to get better at it. I like the way the models look and I feel like being able to join D5 would help me get back into the server after leaving for 2-3 years.

Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words) - Firstly, I am not really a stranger on the server. I used to be around during 2021-2022 but lost interest in GMOD and left a bit later. I have had many CMD roles and been in almost very branch. I know how to listen to orders well, I know how to shoot and not crossfire (that is if the server doesn't lag me), and I can do pretty well in player combat. I know how to give callouts to my other D5/MTF to ensure that we win the fight and destroy all the enemies around us. I also know how to lead people in times that need it, I can give orders where they are needed and I know how to get the job at hand finished. If I were accepted into D5, I would 100% try to climb the ranks just to be able to help the branch grow and help out others. I know how to do trainings/tryouts and I can be trusted with such ranks.

Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? - Yes.


Free From GL ❤️

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Current Ranks: The Eighth Brother
Former Ranks: SCP RP: Former CI 2LT l  l Former D5 2LT l Former Senior Moderator l Former RRH Guardian Juliet 7 Level 100 Gang
Imperial RP: Former DT 1SGT l Former IF Senior Agent l Former Naval Commander 
Police RP: Former Police CPL l Former SRT PVT l Worst Police RP PVPER

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