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In-Game Name: ACEE

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:512465556

Current Research Rank: RAS

Foundation Test Log(s) (graded 8+/10 only): 




Your Operations Advisor Overseer has informed you there is a group of insurgents collecting foundation data at a field operating base on the surface. They are armed and well secured. How would you approach it? (100+ words): First I will get a group of Foundation MTF ready I will inform FF what is going on and also setup a device to listen to what they're saying that way I can keep track of their plans and movements I would also make sure to have the foundation stop using comms due to the fact there might be a comm breach. Now I must hurry up and get the group ready cause soon the GOI will notice our comms went silent if their listening to us. Once my group is ready, I will deploy a data interrupter and stop any current data transfers and proceed to open fire at the GOI while subsequently cutting off their power making not only a sneak attack but also disabling any comm devices on their personal. This will help stop any reinforcements from coming. After we have either killed or disabled their guys. I will get a group of people to take the ones still alive back to base and get them medical attention that way we have a bargaining chip in any negotiations later while also taking any info these guys had on them. While my other team is taking them back i will track down where they sent the data and put that info on a small micro-USB and store it and store the Address of where they sent it on paper that way, I have two copies and who knows if the data I pulled has a tracker or virus that initiates when I plug it in. So, when I have this info and address of their base. I will head back to site and let HCMD+ know of what i have found and then ask if we should attack to get the stolen info back and prevent any information breach to the public

There is a strange SCP that calls himself the “targeter”. When the name of another individual is said within earshot of the “targeter” the “targeter” will teleport to the individual that has had their name said and run off. How would you suggest the foundation approach apprehension and / or termination of this individual? (100+ Words): well, it seems that sound is what it relies on so I will send a Comms announcement saying that an unknown SCP that becomes aggressive when it hears sound is on-site. Stay silent or risk being killed. The reason is cause like it said if it teleports when hearing name who knows what it counts as a name it could be HJ can count or codename, callsign. so, it's best not to speak at all and the best way to achieve this is saying it's an aggressive SCP that hates sound now I will also send this in dblock why cause then dclass will be afraid to make noise which will prevent noise and names. then I will grab three people armed of course and write on paper to get them to understand what I need them to do. after they have been briefed on their job I will grab a reality warper stabilizer from lab and set it up once I have it primed I will go and set it up near the unknown SCP waiting for it to come by after it is in earshot I will have a guard yell a dclass name to have the SCP teleport into the reality warper stabilizer area which should prevent it from teleporting away after it is in the zone two guards will say each other's names thus making the SCP have to think who to attack and while it's trying to teleport not realizing that it is being prevented I will have the last guard run around the SCP with a chain in hand to trap its legs while I put ear plugs on its head once it is stuck we will then further restrain it and chain it up even more. After that we will carry it to a soundproof box/ Containment chamber so it can't hear anyone's name said outside of the box. And on the way i will call maintenance to come fix a power supply to a reality warper stabilizer and make its reality bending power useless. Now that it has been contained i will make special guidelines for it like "No names, Callsigns, or even nicknames may be said around the SCP. After those guidelines are in place, I will then study it and possible classify it as Euclid. seeing how it only becomes aggressive when a name is said and how it only has light bending powers.

An abandoned camp site has been discovered on the surface, hidden incredibly well within the brush. There are documents, newspaper scraps, as well as an old laptop with unknown data being transferred to a suspicious I.P. address. How do you react?
(100+ Words): Well first job is secure perimeter so call in MTF and check for tripwires and anything that may cause an injury next, I will get a disposable laptop one that has no info of foundation that way I can connect it to the old laptop and I will try to pull where the data is going to and also try to stop the information from sending sure this will alert who it's going to but its best to stop it fast that way if it is about the foundation it won't be received by the other end. Now I will look through the papers and see if there's anything useful, I will also get extra back up that way whoever comes to take back the computer won't be able to. Now instead of using standard ammunition I will use non-Lethal tranquilizer ammo that way I can knockout who ever might come to take back their stuff. And get any possible information they got. Now that my group is ready for capture, I grabbed all the important things in the camp site like the documents and laptop. I then dose the camp in gas and set it ablaze to erase any information we missed that they would have on us possibly next I will leave back for site. On the way back to site I will make sure my group formation is 5 in back 2 Infront and 3 on each side of me to protect the info that way if someone is Infront the 3 on each side can open fire with a pincer attack or if they attack from the back the two in the front can split off and flank while the 3 on each side spread out and form a firing squad that can shoot in any direction including left, right, back, front. Once we manage to get back to site, I will rush to the lcz temp Euclid due to it being a chamber that requires one to open. After getting there I will position a group of guards to protect the door at least 4 that way both doors are covered and due to wide area, we can setup barricades and anything to help stop GOI from entering. Now that I'm in a safe area I will get a maintenance down to help me hook the laptop to a generator to prevent it from having access to site power grid and internet. Once all counter measures are in place, I will start to decode all the data taken from the laptop and put it on a separate hard drive which I will then send to HCMD+ and let the decide what we should do with the data found and address that I had found.



--------------------Log out initiated--------------------


Edited by ACEE



D5 HFTO, Research RS DELTA-5 DHG9 COL 

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15 hours ago, Above the Law said:

Accepted. Too lazy to make a nice format. L




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