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Tryone Delta-5 App


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Name - Tryone

Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:639586620

Discord Name - Tryone#4511

Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)  - E11 PFC

List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - N/A

Why do you want to join Delta-5?: I wanted to Join Delta-5 because I like how the server is with the RP in Delta-5 so I wanted to join because I wanted to show that Delta-5 have some RP into and show that delta-5 is a Great MTF branch and have other people want to join Delta-5 because they see Delta-5 doing great to other people on the server so I wanted to join Delta-5 to keep the foundation safe from Any GOI/Scps breachs and etc.

Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words) Well as im playing MTF Alot its  really fun when people talk alot while there a GOI raid or an Scp breached the I want to Know more about the sever and have more fun I really like helping people out I wish to assist with anything. I want to become a Delta-5 for primarily because I enjoy Recontaing and Killing  people and will enjoy enforcing RP on the server. I Played the Other server consistently for a long duration of time and was E-11 on that server. I am aware that the server requires more Skill as of now and think that I can help the situation and maintain serious roleplay on the server.

Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? Yes

If accepted be sure to contact an FTO or command in-game or on discord for training!: Ok.


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