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Why I want to join MTF Delta-5


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Name - Demon

Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:580913776

Discord Name -  Royal military police#6391

Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)  -  CI R&D Alpha Agent

List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) -  No I do not.

Why do you want to join Delta-5? So I can help Delta 5 grow and be more active.

Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words)   So I can ensure the safety of the site make sure Chaos Insurgency do not get in and also make sure that Class disposable do not get out of the facility and I use to be a Gensec so I know the understanding of the facility safety and I can understand how to ensure the site and i am a CI R&D so I have knowledge of the enemy I will not use it as metagaming but it could help.

Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? Yes I will.

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