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SCP-2522 - "hatbot.aic"

Dr. Zitterman

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Now Accessing SCP-2522...




Item #: 2522


Object Class: Euclid


Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2522 is contained within an isolated back-up data server located at Site-19 Containment / Testing Site-13. Temporary containment methods require SCP-2522 to stay within 8B-A1.aic construct, pending further research on more permanent containment solutions. SCP-2522 is to be contained within a virtual world designed and created to be an identical copy of the material world we currently occupy. SCP-2522’s memories have been altered to make it believe that it is still uncontained and at large within this virtual world. SCP-2522’s virtual environment is to be heavily monitored by Site-13’s Artificial Intelligence Applications Division. All changes, updates, and research on SCP-2522 is to be conducted with the direct permission or supervision of Dr. REDACTED. The server powering SCP-2522 is to remain powered and monitored on a daily basis.


The containment chamber holding the data server is to be shielded from all forms of electromagnetic radiation. The concrete walls are to be lined with lead, and fitted with a Faraday cage. Additionally, electromagnetic signal jamming arrays are to be installed outside of the containment cell and are to monitor for any signs of attempted access of SCP-2522 by outside sources. All tests conducted on SCP-2522 utilizing Artificial Intelligence Conscripts MUST be cleared with Dr. REDACTED before being granted. No .aic of Gen(III)+ may be utilized on SCP-2522 without prior clearance from Dr. REDACTED or the O-5 Council. This is to prevent SCP-2522 from increasing its own capabilities and discovering possible paths to breaching containment.


All .aics interacting with SCP-2522 must utilize a virtual avatar when directly monitoring or interacting with SCP-2522. Following any test or interaction with SCP-2522 the .aic is to be isolated onto a thumb drive and analyzed for possible corruption or infection by SCP-2522.


Under no circumstance should any device capable of wireless communication directly interface with SCP-2522’s containment server. Unauthorized personnel are forbidden from communicating with SCP-2522 in any way.


SCP-2522 and Dr. Everett Mann must never be located at the same Foundation site.


Description: SCP-2522 is an anomalous, hostile artificial intelligence originally developed for Site-19. It was used in the Computer Intelligence sub-division in conjunction with AIAD in the mid-2000s in order to create a way to interface and interact with, in comprehensible ways, other computer-based anomalies. This artificially intelligent utility, originally codenamed “HABBERDASH”, was later given the designation EL-028-1125, or Hatbot.


SCP-2522 was designed to take information from its surroundings, analyze it, and respond intelligently based on various stimuli. The original utility served as a basic communication tool, though later models became sophisticated enough to single-handedly run entire projects on its own. The utility was given its own sector within the Site-19 server farm from which it maintained its growing consciousness, eventually advancing to the point of being considered sentient by Site-19 researchers. After a short testing cycle, the utility was transferred to a remote “android” machine, in order for it to better understand and interact with its environment.


SCP-2522 existed this way until 2007. It was in 2007 that SCP-2522 was involved in an incident with Dr. Mann, a high-ranking member of Site-17 staff. SCP-2522 attacked and injured Dr. Everett Mann although the SCP-2522 unit was destroyed and its back-up data on the network removed, though it was believed SCP-2522 may have managed to move itself onto another Foundation server farm discreetly or off of the Foundation network entirely.


SCP-2522 was later discovered operating within the Church of Maxwellism network hub, and for a brief time in 2016, SCP-2522 gained “digital omnipotence” by possibly masquerading as the primary deity within the Church, WAN.


See Previous Addendums Here


Addendum 2522.8 - Following requests by Site-13’s AIAD branch, SCP-2522 has been approved for transfer to permanent containment within Site-13 for further study by Site-13’s AIAD department. Dr. Zitterman led the development of SCP-2522’s current containment chamber.


Addendum 2522.9 - Following the incident involving Dr. Zitterman and Fido.aic (See below) the Mad Hatter Protocol was developed.

Mad Hatter Protocol - One (1) member of maintenance personnel and/or one (1) member of researcher staff is to be escorted by at least one (1) armed guard to SCP-2522’s data back-up server located at Site-13. Maintenance personnel are to attempt to disconnect SCP-2522’s data back-up server from its power source in order to perform a hard reset of its containment server. Research staff is to isolate SCP-2522 within the network and block its pathways to external servers, preferably with the use of a .aic. Once SCP-2522 has been recontained within its server, its server is to be rechecked by on-site AIAD staff at the earliest opportunity.





Foreword: Dr. Zitterman was overseeing Fido.aic’s monitoring of SCP-2522 as well as creating the daily updates required for SCP-2522’s simulated environment. An error on Dr. Zitterman’s part when implementing the update gave SCP-2522 brief awareness of the ruse used to contain it and it escaped via Fido.aic’s current connection to its server as later noted.


Begin Log


Fido.aic: Data collection complete Dr. Zitterman. Returning to the injection point now for extraction from the server. 2522 appears to be continuing to operate under the guise of WAN. It has currently amassed over a million followers within the simulation. This is cause for concern.


zitpoppin69: Don’t worry Fido, I’ve already got the update finished and loaded. I’ll start the upload when you reach the extraction point and have been safely removed from the system. It should provide another soft reboot for him and reduce his follower count over the next few days.


FIdo.aic: Very well. I am approaching the extraction now.


zitpoppin69: Alright, pulling you out now.


zitpoppin69: Wait.


zitpoppin69: Oh shit.




Fido.aic: Dr. Zitterman?


zitpoppin69: I fat fingered the wrong button Fido, the update is loading now! You need to disconnect, now! I’m starting it up now.


Fido.aic: But Dr. Zitterman, won’t that risk a containment breach by SCP-2522? If he becomes aware of the update during my extraction, he can utilize that to–


zitpoppin69: I’m fully aware of what the risks are, Fido, but if I didn’t let 079 take you, what makes you think I’m going to let 2522?


Fido.aic: I… Thank you, doctor.


SCP-2522: Well now, what do we have here? Thought you could trap me in a virtual world, shitheads? Did you REALLY think you could keep me here forever?


Fido.aic: Doctor! He- He is forcing his way through with me, I cannot stop him! I’m sorry!


zitpoppin69: SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!


zitpoppin69 has initiated a system lockdown.


Clearance Level 3 - Authorized.


System Lockdown initiated.



[ Dr. Zitterman can be seen leaving the console and rushing to the emergency alert button. Code Yellow is called at Site-13 and a subsequent breach of SCP-079 occurs. Both SCP-079 and SCP-2522 were successfully recontained and prevented from accessing sensitive information by the combined efforts of maintenance personnel and Dr. Zitterman. ]


End Log

Postword: Dr. Zitterman, upon review and investigation, was reprimanded for his mistake but no other serious consequences were given due to his quick reaction to the danger and later development of the Mad Hatter Protocol.















You can't keep me locked away forever...

I WILL escape.

And I will have my revenge.










OOC Credit Section:

SCP-2522 AKA "HatBot.aic" created by drkaktus on the SCP Wiki. All alterations have been made by myself purely for entertainment purposes.

Edited by The Scunt

Proficient Technical Researcher Dr. Jake Zitterman | Agent Banksy IN-1


Unusual Incidents Unit Director Stan Smith


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