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SCP-999 test Log


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Grade: 74/100

Meets Expectations

Lore: 22/25

This test seems to follow the lore pretty well, but I have never heard of SCP-999 removing limbs from people so i deducted some points for that.

Creativity: 20/25

The idea of using SCP-999 doesn't seem all too useful to me, but having SCP-999 gather information is a genius idea. I wish you had done another log where you had SCP-999 retrieve some information maybe from another member of CI.

Presentation: 10/25

This document doesn't have much for creativity. You used the default test log format and there are zero pictures. I do think you used colors in your text fairly well so I will give you some credit.

Writing: 22/25

A few grammar and spelling mistakes but the way you describe things is easy to imagine. I think your best quality is when you are describing sounds because it also helps me picture what may have been going on.

Extra Notes: This is a pretty good log, I just think your next one should be longer and make sure to add some images as well.

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