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Grade: 39/100


Lore: 13/25
No major lore problems besides 016 usually always trying to make victims escape and spread the virus more, also the last subject that grew gills? Was he in water or something? It would hinder him more than anything else


Creativity: 7/25
I like the idea of you putting it in nerve gas but the test just sort of feels like a waste of a subject really? We already know it can work in a grenade and all its effects that was listed here


Presentation: 9/25
Bonus points for unique format but its nothing special at all, still like to see it over normal format but add a bit more character to it.


Writing: 10/25
Good grammar throughout the entire test, however, font randomly changed near the end for no reason and it lacks any spice to it besides the full on end. Gray is a bit hard to read but not as bad as yellow or something.

Notes: Not a bad test just read it and I dont fully understand the purpose of it

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