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Scp-005 Test Logs

CatFIsh {FE}

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Lore Rank/Name: Jr CatFish

SCP #: 005


Test Idea: having a see through keyway and witness scp-005 either transform itself or the lock inside to open it.

Background Research: Scp-005 is known as the skeleton key and can open almost any lock as long as the person using it knows if the object its trying to unlock is in fact a lock.

Hypothesis: Scp-005 will either transform itself or the lock's insides to match eachother and open the lock.


Observations (what happened?): When observing scp-005 through the glass, it made no attempt of transforming itself or the lock. it seemingly refused to try and unlock the see through lock. when used on an identical lock without a viewing plate, it opened without issue. 

Evidence/Visual Stimuli (Images):


Analysis/Conclusion (was your hypothesis correct, why or why not, how can this discovery benefit the foundation?): my hypothesis was not correct, as i can assume that scp-005 does not want to reveal its ways of unlocking various locks.

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