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Interogation of Vice Commander Shadows


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Grade: 40/100
Approaching Expectations


Efficiency: 10/25
Some questions are a bit meaningless, wasting a bit of  good questions


Insight: 9/25
Some good questions, however, most provide nothing to CI besides information, next time ask something like, "Do G9 try to prioritize CI raids in any way?", "Do G9 move in groups and patrol specific areas of the site?"


Presentation: 11/25
Non-default log, always epic, Log does seem bright with no specific template, it looks like papers in a file but it would of been cool if you made the first page a more file color, structure.


Writing: 10/25
Very few spelling mistakes, no useless information, very few colors, big enough to read, enough spacing to not be confusing.

Notes: Well done

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