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SCP-345 Test/Incident Log

Blight Farmer

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Writing/Grammar: 16/20

There are a few grammar mistakes. You misspelled some words and capitalized words that shouldn't be.

Test Idea/Execution: 18/20

Your ideas and execution are very interesting. You have done a good job explaining what happened.

Format: 17/20

The format is nice and original. The font and text size are perfect for reading. You should have added more pictures, it would help the reader better understand what happened during testing. Also there is blank pages which are unnecessary.

Length: 17/20

The length is decent. It could have been longer, but I don't think it was needed. 

Lore: 20/20

Everything checks out with 354 lore. The test is explained, and it doesn't seem far-fetched. Good job!

Wanderer's Library Archivist Point: 0/1

(This is my personal point, giving it to the document that I enjoyed. If you get this point, it means you made a phenomenal document [90+])


Total score: 88/100

This is a great document. You did a amazing job. Keep up the good work!

Username: Grizz

Positions: Retired

Awards: Wanderer's Library Archivist x2 | The Exemplary Investigator Award

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