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Seth | DT V07 Vice Commander Application.


Am I fit to be a Vice Commander?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Am I fit to be a Vice Commander?

    • Yes, Explain Why
    • No, Explain Why

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What is your IGN? (In Game Name)

DT V07

What Regiment are you applying for?

Death Trooper Vice Commander

Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

Firstly, I would like to become a Vice Commander of Death Troopers due to my love for the Death Trooper Battalion. I also would like to become a Vice Commander of Death Troopers as I really would like to take on some new responsibilities within Death Troopers, I want to make Death Troopers the best it can be, I would like to think my time within Death Troopers shows I am a dedicated person when it comes to fulfilling tasks and objectives within the branch itself. I have been in many different command positions within other communities and games, each position different from the last, but, with my own analyses Death Troopers is doing very well when it comes to over all members and peaking players interests. However, I also believe that it has struggled in the past with having a stable amount of leadership on to help guide the branch forward. I believe I have a very good level of activity within the server and Death Troopers as a whole to aid with some issues.

To add to this, I also would like to become the Vice Commander as I would like to improve on existing ideas and hopefully add new and exciting things too the branch. Although I am yet to hold a position of command on Imperial RP, I believe I could do a good job at assisting a Commander. I am very capable with Google Docs due to my own prior leadership positions on other communities, I have a good knowledge on googles formulas, Java Script along with general upkeep of documents. Further more, I believe that I should feel compelled to apply for this position as I understand each individual within the Death Trooper branch and I treat each individual differently when it comes to extracting the best performance out of each individual. What also compelled me to apply for this role was the fact that Death Troopers over the last couple of weeks has gone through a lot, as many people know, we went from around 21 players to a full roster within a couple of days. However, I feel due to some of the position changes amongst other things have effected the branch as a whole, I believe I should feel compelled to apply as within my own situation, I do not have any upcoming priorities. I am able to hold a steady amount of hours in game each day.

I also would like to be a Vice Commander as I have a good amount of knowledge when it comes to the whole of the Death Trooper branch. I have been in bother Seeker & TI-23. I was a Seeker from the rank of CPL - 1SG and TI-23 from 1SG - CPT so I feel I have a good bit of knowledge on the inner workings of both sub branches. Although the Death Trooper branch is its own branch, a lot of what Death Troopers do effects the entire Imperial RP server. If I was lucky enough to get this position, I would be able to do a lot of good both inside Death Troopers and outside the branch itself. I would enjoy building relations with other branches along with improving Death Troopers.  


How much game time do you have on the server?

805:55hr https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/517855020


What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?


A Vice Commanders purpose can vary depending on each battalion. However, the main purpose of a Vice Commander is to assist the Commander with running a branch. In my own opinion a Vice Commander should be a very active member within the branch as they are the first person within the battalion command. A Vice Commander should be aware of most if not all issues when they arise as they should be very active within game or through other means of communication. Although the prior statements are one of the most important purposes of a Vice Commander, a Vice Commanders job will also include overlooking the Commanding officers, although Commanding is a very important purpose for a Vice Commander, installing and maintaining a good Commanding Officer core within the branch is key to keeping a healthy branch. Alongside this, a Vice Commander will also need to deal with situations that Commanding Officers may not be able to deal with.

Further more, a Vice Commander should also be on top of each part of the branch, they should be assessing their Commanding Officers, making sure each person is living up to the high standards of each position they hold. They should also be making sure Officers are keeping a good level of communication to their respective NCO's, along with training them and making sure that each NCO is ready for taking on more responsibilities as they progress through to the Officer core. A Vice Commander should be in good communication with NCO's as the NCO's are a very important part of any branch, they need to be making sure NCO's are trained to a good level by Officers, they need to make sure they are keeping a steady consistent level of try-outs and making sure that NCO's that stand out are getting rewarded for their hard work, and last but not least a Vice Commander should be very welcoming to Enlisted ranks, Enlisted ranks are also very important, these members are new, they may have questions about things, alongside this, as many Enlisted are new to Death Troopers they may have some very good ideas as to what Death Troopers could improve upon when it comes to branch relations, a lot of Enlisted see a lot of things that Death Troopers cannot. 

Another important thing for a Vice Commander to keep on top of is documentation, it is very important to make sure each training document, SOP, Sub Branch SOP along with Rosters are kept up to date and good condition. Rosters are very important as they allow us to keep a good knowledge on each individuals performance, LOA/ROA's along with making sure each person is completing they're designated task.


Why should we trust you to be a commander?

Although I do not have any prior or ongoing leadership roles within the community, I have had extensive leadership experience within other communities. I could go on about each of them. However, I feel this would be to no use. I know that it's important for High Command to know what I am like on this server alone. During my time within Death Troopers I have never been given a strike or even a PT. Alongside this, I already hold a position within the staff team alongside the Game Master team. I would say the latter has a big impact on the server as I alongside others know that being a Game Master requires a good level of trust within the server, especially if one wants to continue to hold a Game Master position. I would also like to add that I have never been in any big confrontation whilst playing on the server, both as a Death Trooper and as a Naval Supervisor. Further more, I would say I am a very discreet person when it comes to delicate situations, I know when it is a good time to have a laugh and when it is important to be more serious. As stated prior, although I do not yet hold a position of considerable responsibility I know that my prior work on the server should surface when it comes to trust on the server. 

How often can you be Online?

10+ hours a day.


Do you have any Warnings? (What for?)

I do not have any warnings on any GL servers.


Lastly, I would like to thank those who read this application I know it's a bit long, I will fully admit I do not expect to get this position. However, I do feel compelled to at least try.

Thanks again.


Edited by SethyTheSasquatch

Apparently I need to put something here. 

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Great application, amazing player, hard working, well known, and I bet would be a great VCMDR.

+ Mega Support

(don’t forget to add a poll to this application btw or it could be denied)

Edited by RussTime
Adding more text

Currently: PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT 1LT 1CR01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF PVT 1U21
Reserves: SRT MAJ 1X33

Ex ImperialRP: Super Admin / JMT and Senior Forum Diplomat, DT VCMDR RU8/ TI-23 L21, 69th/ MC VCMDR and first ever ParaRescue Lead Marshal and last Rescue Squadron Marshal, Lord I, Purge CPL, IC CSVL SSS DME 2LT Maroon, Shock SPC/ SGT/ MSGT, K2S8 SK385, Pyke Muscle II JSR RussTime

DMs are always open (russtime)

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I think this is a good application from what I have read you seem to be committed to do the best that you can to be a good Vice Commander for this branch as well as you are a nice guy and a good person to interact with.


| Former: IQ Eighth Brother | Former: IQ Ninth Sister | Former: Junior Managment Team | Former Head Game Master |
rogue one GIF by Star Wars

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3 hours ago, Iceberkk said:


I think this is a good application from what I have read you seem to be committed to do the best that you can to be a good Vice Commander for this branch as well as you are a nice guy and a good person to interact with.



Former Grand Admiral| Former Shock Vice Commander| Former F16

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8 hours ago, Iceberkk said:


I think this is a good application from what I have read you seem to be committed to do the best that you can to be a good Vice Commander for this branch as well as you are a nice guy and a good person to interact with.



Current SSO Sub LT Icey

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8 hours ago, Iceberkk said:


I think this is a good application from what I have read you seem to be committed to do the best that you can to be a good Vice Commander for this branch as well as you are a nice guy and a good person to interact with.



Current: DT EX1 | Imperial RP TGM | ImperialRP Trial Mod
Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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11 hours ago, Iceberkk said:


I think this is a good application from what I have read you seem to be committed to do the best that you can to be a good Vice Commander for this branch as well as you are a nice guy and a good person to interact with.


I have had nothing but great times with this guy. He helped me re-learn DT when I got back in and has helped me tremendously. He is a great leader who is active and is dedicated to this battalion. I wouldn't be where I am today without him.

Edited by Bard

      CURRENT: Top G         #justiceforTrojan#slideforRacc
"We were on the verge of greatness. We were this close to providing peace and security for the galaxy". -Director Orson Callan Krennic

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On 9/21/2022 at 11:41 AM, Iceberkk said:


I think this is a good application from what I have read you seem to be committed to do the best that you can to be a good Vice Commander for this branch as well as you are a nice guy and a good person to interact with.



                                                                                  Current:  DT SC01

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On 9/21/2022 at 5:41 PM, Iceberkk said:


I think this is a good application from what I have read you seem to be committed to do the best that you can to be a good Vice Commander for this branch as well as you are a nice guy and a good person to interact with.



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On 9/21/2022 at 10:41 AM, Iceberkk said:


I think this is a good application from what I have read you seem to be committed to do the best that you can to be a good Vice Commander for this branch as well as you are a nice guy and a good person to interact with.



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On 9/21/2022 at 10:41 AM, Iceberkk said:


I think this is a good application from what I have read you seem to be committed to do the best that you can to be a good Vice Commander for this branch as well as you are a nice guy and a good person to interact with.



[Lord VI] [Purge HVYAL 2LT] [ISB:IA JO]

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