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SN0's M36 Application


Do you think I am worthy of becoming the next M-36?  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think I am worthy of becoming the next M-36?

    • Yes
    • No

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[In-Game Name] [GL] Anomaly

[Call-sign] DT SN03

[Rank] 2LT

[Which lore squad member are you applying for] I am applying for the position of M36.

[Why do you believe you deserve this position] I do not believe that anyone deserves anything, however I do believe that everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves. And that's what I want to do. I want to prove myself that I am worthy of TI-23 and moving up in the server not just as a DT but among other things as well. I have past medical experiance though that was some time ago, but I believe it is worth mentioning. I am a very active community member on the server as DT and as a SGM and Admin. As far as DT goes I have achieved the Officer rank through trials and even though I've been knocked down I've always gotten back up and striven to be better and continue on as a DT. Many people say failure is the best teacher and I believe I have proved that I am a capable DT and an efficient leader. I am a determined, hard working, individual and I don't give up or get mad if things go wrong. I take it in stride and work to better myself so that I can learn from it, and when the time comes, pass on what I have learned to those who may need the same help I have once needed. I always hit my quotas and am always ready to help anyone in need who wants help or wants advice. I am a very active member of DT and the server and I am dedicated and hard working as a DT officer but also as Staff and GM. 

[Why do you want to be a part of Unit TI-23] I want to be a member of TI-23 for a few reasons. One reason is I like to challenge myself, and I enjoy a challenge. I want to work in DT and grow as a member of DT and as a person. TI-23 is regarded as the best of the best of the best and for good reason. Not only is the TI-23 selection process difficult but the members are held to a high standard. I want to continue to push myself and see what I am capable of. Another reason I want to join TI-23 is because of the camaraderie. Members of TI-23 work in an extremely close knit unit, and are expected to know each other's thoughts and movements like the back of their hands. This tight knit squad based group acts as a second family and many of the members in TI-23 are close friends of mine. To be a member of TI-23 is to act as one, to be a family and to never abandon your brothers or the mission. This close knit structure appeals to me even more so than regular DT does as it is an even tighter knit group than DT. Working together as a team, in small units is something that appeals to me and the structure of these scenarios is appealing and fun to me. I want to be the best DT I can be and I believe TI-23 can help me do that.

[What does Unit TI-23 do] The Death Trooper Unit TI-23 is an elite lore based squad within Death Troopers. Each member of DT has a specialization and they are expected to use that specialization to complement each other on and off the battlefield to form a cohesive unit. Without one member of TI-23 the unit suffers as each member has a special task and job to do that allows the unit to perform at peak efficiency for any missions given. F-16 is the squad leader of TI-23 and is equipped to lead the squad through any mission, any time any where. F-16 is equipped with one of the specialty's from each squad member. C-37 is the Squad's close quarters expert and is equipped to handle threats that close in for CQC fighting. Armed with the DP-23 Shotgun, flashbang and a shield, C-37 is designed to get in close and hold the line while dishing out punishment in return. M-36 is TI-23's Medical expert. While not overly armed, M-36's main utility comes in keeping the squad and the VIP alive and well in the heat of battle. M-36 is equipped with a Booster Bacta kit, and an armor kit as well as a squad shield to provide extra cover if needed. L-21 is TI-23's Demolitions expert and engineer. Equipped with the DLT-19 heavy repeating blaster L-21 can lay down sustained covering fire for other members of the squad. L-21 is also equipped with explosives such as thermal denotators and detpacks. L-21 also has the extra utility of being able to place down fortifications as cover and use the fusion cutter to hack doors. V-07 is Ti-23's designated marksman. V-07 comes equipped with the E-11S sniper rifle as well as a deployable shield to provide cover during sniping. With all members working together in unison TI-23 is equipped to handle any challenges or missions that come their way. 

[How active can you be] I am a very active DT member I'd like to think most everyone has seen me around and seen me as both DT and as GM or staff. I am on for a few hours at least 5 days a week minimum though I am often on for much longer periods of time. 

[Do you understand that if you are accepted into Unit TI-23, you will be on a 1-strike system] Absolutely understood. 

Current: DT M36 | Imperial RP GM III | ImperialRP Moderator
Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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7 hours ago, Anomaly said:

I have past medical experiance though that was some time ago, but I believe it is worth mentioning.

It is worth mentioning, unfortunately, you only mentioned the fact it happened. Would be good to list the kind of medical experience you have, since it is absolutely relevant to a medical/medic position.

Well done on your application. Try in the future formatting your application to be less blocky for the reader too!


OG DT TI-23 Marksmen V07 (Retired)
FormerSenior Gunnery Officer LX003, Lord I SilonDT 1LT DI3Imperial RP Moderator

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On 9/14/2022 at 2:28 PM, SilonMist said:

It is worth mentioning, unfortunately, you only mentioned the fact it happened. Would be good to list the kind of medical experience you have, since it is absolutely relevant to a medical/medic position.

Well done on your application. Try in the future formatting your application to be less blocky for the reader too!


I agree and yes it could be less blocky.

Edited by B0B

Former: Royal Guard Vice Sovereign ImperialRP Assist Head Gamemaster ImperialRP Senior Admin Support Member

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On 9/14/2022 at 2:28 PM, SilonMist said:

It is worth mentioning, unfortunately, you only mentioned the fact it happened. Would be good to list the kind of medical experience you have, since it is absolutely relevant to a medical/medic position.

Well done on your application. Try in the future formatting your application to be less blocky for the reader too!



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