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Bending the Rules of the MOTD for GMs


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So, if you have 90+ players you can’t really use NPCs as a GM, this makes the lag awful. So my suggestion is if a GM permits it they may break the MOTD where they are not allowed to attack another Imperial force for 20 Mins. This is so they’re are able to act as a ground force to a-pose the Imperials. This will allow for events to be more interesting as there will be more opponents and it will allow for more ‘battle spacing’ due to the enemies can spread out.

Further Detail:

They will only be allowed to use the default weapons, unless the GM permits it then other weapons are allowed

They will be required to listen to the GM so if he tells then in the /event or /comms [Open Frequency] etc… to withdraw or to stop fighting etc.. then they must abide by this. 

Hopefully, this will reduce lag and mean that the GMs can still make fun events even with a high player count. 


Let me know what you think. 


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