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DT S08 / EH4 Death Trooper Officer Application


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In-Game name: DT S08

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:27327035

Rank: 1SG

How long have you been in your current rank?: 2 Days


What experiences in leadership do you have?: Over the time I have been playing GMOD which is now 5 years. I was given loads of opportunities to lead and I have taken most. I used to be an XO in 501st in a different server which averages at 60 players.  I made most docs for the battalion and they still use it to this day. I also used to be Temple Guard Manager in Icefuse Jedi vs Sith which is now discontinued. But since I was TGM I was basically in charge of mentoring and teaching the officers and NCOs. And as most people know I am a 1SG so I help lead enlisted.


Why do you want to be an officer?(150+ Word minimum)

Why I want to become an officer is because I love this battalion. And for me to help this battalion get better and grow more is going a step ahead of a NCO and become an officer.  And as soon as I joined DT and found out how much I love this battalion I made it one of my goals to become an officer. One of my other goals is to make DT more active than other battalions. And see our roster filled with little to no slots empty, showing the server that we are one of the best battalions that we are supposed to be. And as an officer it will test my leadership skills since I would now need to help lead enlisted and the NCOs. And if I do get officer I would be able to host more trainings and SIMs. And I would try host them as soon as I am able too.

What makes you stand out amongst the others?(130+Word minimum)

I have gave DT a large amount of my time on the server. Since DT is the only life I play on all of my hours are basically on DT, other than being staff. I learned what it was like being a DT through trial and error. And now I am at a point where my tryouts go by fast and smoothly. Making me be able to host tryouts faster and at a greater quantity. I always double check the SOP before I do something im not sure that im supposed to do. And always keep checking it for any updates or changes and read over it atleast once a day to make sure im up to date with stuff. I also believe I have the right amount of serious and not serious during RP and over teamspeak. I also think I am perfect for this battalion and try not to make myself fail for the sake of the battalion. 

Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an officer you can be removed from your position?

Yes I do understand.

Do you understand that receiving a strike will result in an immediate demotion?

Yes I do understand.

                                                                                  Current:  DT SC01

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This app is extremely short and seems very rushed. I would add more detail

Current: DT M36 | Imperial RP GM III | ImperialRP Moderator
Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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Hello S08, while I would love to give this application my support, at this time I will unfortunately have to give a              -Support and here's why.

  • This application is at the bare minimum in terms of word count, and while it is within parameters, I would like to see more.
  • The substance to the application seems to be more of an NCO application, providing reasons for remaining in the NCO core.
  • The grammar in this application is poor and the application as a whole seems rushed. I would recommend reading your application to yourself outload, it does wonders for correcting grammar. 

You are an excellent NCO and I hope to see you make an amazing officer one day. Keep up the amazing work, and please do not let any -Supports discourage you from DT as a whole, you're still a valuable asset to the NCO core. Good luck!


Edited by darkstarson12


Retired GL Member "Dark"

                    Previous: Seeker Company Sergeant DT SN04 / S33, DT V07 (TI-23 Unit Marksman) TI-23 Unit Squad Leader F16, DT Vice Commander BR0/TI-23 Overseer UNO, Nova Vice Commander Battle, MOD Dark

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Overall: -Support
+ Active
+ Pretty good NCO
+ Passionate
~ Not a very well written application
~ In the " Why do you want to be an officer? " section you are describing more so the job of an NCO than an officer-- to help the regiment to grow

- I think you could use more experience as NCO
- You are listing mostly your experiences in other servers as opposed to this one

I REALLY wanted to give you a +Support, but for now the -Support stays. Don't take this to heart, because I really love having you in DT and you're an amazing NCO and person! For now, though, this feels more like an NCO application than an Officer one.


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