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How to make an "Official Family"


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You may be wondering what are the requirements of which makes a family "official." Before I list off the requirements, I will start out by saying that making it official doesn't necessarily get you any advantages, however the top 2 highest ranking members will gain access to a private area in our PoliceRP discord to discuss things between families without outside interference. It's more so recognition that you're a established family on the server if anything. Official families are also more likely to be involved in larger SMT events as well compared to non-official families.


Becoming an official family is fairly easy, all you need is the following:

At least 10+ members in the family.

A discord server set up for the family which SMT needs to be in once it reaches 10+ members.

A roster listing all of the members in the family, as well as their ranks.

A post in this criminal section including information regarding the family, roster, and a link to the discord server. (The discord server is optional on the post but SMT still must be in the server.)


Note: An SMT member should have access of any main documents your family may use (such as a roster, SOP, applications, etc) after you have gained "official" status. This is to ensure document security, and is done across all our services to prevent griefing and uphold document integrity.


We look forward to seeing new families be created on the server! Hope you all have fun and good luck!

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PoliceRP - Retired Manager

Retired SWAT Commander | UMC 

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