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SCP-008 Quarantine Logs

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I see that you've made the switch to Google Docs! This is a good choice, as Google Docs offers a wider range of ways to customize your documents. There are a few spelling/grammatical errors that I would recommend fixing when you have a moment to do so (such as changing "piron" to "prion" and "gas-tight" to "air-tight") but overall this is another massive improvement on your documentation!


It's still important to state the purpose of your experiment before detailing your observations! Doing so helps the reader understand why you approached the experiment in the way that you did. Obviously, by reading further into the document, one could discover that the purpose is to see if SCP-008 can survive on surfaces for long periods of time, or contaminate an object indefinitely, but having a hypothesis sets the tone for the experiment right away. 


I like that you included the actual wiki link to allow the reader to further their own knowledge on SCP-008 before reading further into the document. As for your General Information/Background Research, it's always good to make mention of what the Foundation already knows about your hypothesis, even if the Foundation doesn't know anything. Something like "no tests have been conducted thus far on how long SCP-008 can survive outside of an organism on surfaces" can further explain the purpose of your Research.


Ideas for future experimentation arise from the results of your test-- You could return to SCP-008 in the future to test how it survives on synthetic surfaces like silicon, plastics, or metal. All-in-all, this was a creative experiment and I'm proud of your progress! Keep it up 👍

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Current: Goofball

Former: RnD Delta Command, Foundation Doctor, RFA Agent, RRH Analyst


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9 hours ago, Schölinger said:

There are a few spelling/grammatical errors that I would recommend fixing when you have a moment to do so (such as changing "piron" to "prion" and "gas-tight" to "air-tight")

Fixes have been made, I am still looking to improve and correct whatever documents I create. Thanks for your feedback!

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