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Frank/Franklins Officer application


Should i become a st officer?  

  1. 1. Should I become a ST officer

    • Yes
    • No

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1. What's your in-game name?

Franklin in ST, Frank in shore.

2. What is your SteamID as shown on roster? STEAM_0:1:121310298

3. How long have you been on the server? 7 Total days.

4. How many warns on Gaminglight servers do you have?

18. 0 active

5: why do you want to be an officer

I want to be an officer so I can help the battalion thrive and make people inclined to join an ST sub-regiment and actually contribute positively to the server and it's community by convincing them to be constructive and show them their potential on the server. I want to help the enlisted STs thrive with rewards and punishments when necessary and be there to host debriefs and simulations for the battalion to give them a reason to keep playing as a stormtrooper.

6. What time zone are you in?

Northeastern time.

7. What can you do to improve the battalion?

 I can make the battalion better with many things. Such as being frequently active to host debriefs and sims for the battalion, to make the battalion more enjoyable, and to encourage stormtroopers to join a sub-battalion while they learn the ropes of the server and what to and not to do. I want to assist the new players to the server and allow them to learn without being worried of failure. All people start out as a stormtrooper and the people they meet then is arguably the most important of their whole time on the server.

8. How do you differ from other applicants?

I like to pursue new ST’s to sub regiments whether its shore or scout. I would like to be a more relaxed officer aswell being a good role model to the enlisted and ncos

Edited by Lester
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Unfortunatly ST Command doesn't think your ready to join the ranks of Officer.

Please continue to do your best in the regiment and for the Regiment.

You have till next ST Meeting to create another application.

[Former ST VCMDER] [Former Tank COL] [Former Nova LTCOL] [Current SF Marshall]


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