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Drago's Temporal stasis test


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Lore Rank/Name: EXPR

SCP #: 682 mass test


Test Idea: put 682 in a temporal stasis

Background Research: 682 has extreme regen that has made it impossible to kill him so far

Hypothesis: it will make his regen unable to work properly


Observations (what happened?): after the temporal stasis was activated it stop 682 regen and he too significate damage from MTF shooting him.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli (Images): corrupted AKA "forgot to during mass test.


Analysis/Conclusion (was your hypothesis correct, why or why not, how can this discovery benefit the foundation?): Yes my hypothesis was correct and can ressualt in a thanatology test on 682 down the line.

Note: I know this isn't a very good log but made it just for future reference.

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