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SCP 173 and SCP 513 cross test.

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Grammar & Spelling9/10 - Little to no errors, the only thing that bothers me is the lack of the - in the SCP names, such as SCP-173, SCP-513-1. There's always a - after SCP, when referring to an object.

Lore: 8.5/10 - The SCP descriptions and explanations were precise, though SCP-173 kills by snapping the neck at the base of the skull, or by strangulation. 

Length & Format7/10 - The length could've been better, a lot of it was spacing. Like I always say on this section when I grade- details, details, details. It doesn't have to be 100% accurate to the test that happened in-game. You can add extra details, that didn't really happen, to spice up the document and make it a better read. On the format side, the format was a bit basic, though the images were a nice touch. That font hurts my eyes.

Overall Grade8/10 - A nice document though it needs some work. A few changes to details, the format, and some refreshing on lore, and you could easily make a 10/10 document. Keep up the great work, can't wait to see your next few! Good luck! 

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