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A Guy's RRH Application

A Guy

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In Game Name: A Guy

Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:194249645

Squadron you are Applying for: Guardian

Current RP Ranks Held: SEC LCPL, Research AR CI IA, RCT, and Medic JM

If applying for Guardian preferred O5 to guard: Any.

If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here:

How many Warns do you have? 4 But I have learned from my mistakes and know now to get warned again and have read through the rules very thoroughly. And for the MRDM I thought you were aloud to kill other D Class as a D Class because someone else kept on doing it to me, so I did it and now I regret it and know I learned from my mistake and will not do it again.

Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I think it would be a great experience as this is my time to prove myself from going to a nobody to a high known person. I know all the rules of the server, have seen RRH on the server before and I pretty much kind of know what to do. I also think my activity will help because I can be active everyday and help out people and my gun skills and aiming can really help with guarding O5 council and this is pretty much my dream job to be.

Why should we accept you:  I think you should accept me because on of my greatest strengths is that I can learn from my mistakes, so if I do make a mistake I make sure to never do it again. I also play this server close to everyday without any breaks so I can always be active when needed, just tell me when you want me and il be on there in an instant. I also have TeamSpeak and discord, I also love this server with all my heart and also read all of the rules, and I mean all of them I also saw RRH play so I understand at least half of on what to do as a RRH and I am also extremely friendly and I am really giving and will give everyone a second chance and would never say or diss anybody.


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you accidentally put this in archive lol!


 Security Colonel Warden Legate Juggernaut Enforcer Research Administrator M.A.D. Site Operations Chief RRA Professor / MTF Delta-5 'Front Runners' Captain Veteran Raptor Operative / Internal Affairs Agency Assistant Director MTF Nu-7 'Hammer Down' Captain / Covert Agent / Deputy Head Field Training Officer / UN Global Occult Coalition Corporal Combat Medic Tactical Paramedic R&D Scientist  Marksman Recon Specialist / MTF Alpha-1 'Red Right Hand' Major Enforcer Squadron Lead

"We are the first line of defense. We are the first responders tasked to save those in danger. We have the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all staff members. Because of that, you are the bravest men I have ever had the honor to serve with.”

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