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CI Code Tea TIme


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RND Research Report

Accessing Case File: #[XXXX]-Gamma-Bravo-Alpha

Take. All. SCPs.

File Name: Code Tea Time
Full Name: Code Tea Time With 049

Current Position: Junior Agent





Date: 2/25/2020


Location: [Redacted]


CI Personnel Involved: CI RND JA IFS Crabbe, CI RND Deputy Director Neo, CI RND IA Jonky


SCP’s Involved: [SCP-049]

SCP Class: [Euclid]


Overview: Tea Time Chatting With SCP-049


Hypothesis: Figure Out SCP-049s purpose


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Researcher: CI RND JA IFS Crabbe


Supervisor: N/A

Observation 1-A: SCP 049 was contained by the military from the hands of the SCP-Foundation and was brought to [REDACTED] to be tested on.
The test began by using a subject captured from the SCP-Foundation going by the name of Assistant Researcher Reedman according to prior interrogation.
The test began simple the SCP-Foundation Researcher was inserted into the room with SCP-049 where they began to chat.
SCP-049 began asking questions most of them we deemed unimportant so were left uninserted here but one did catch are eye.
SCP-049 asks the researcher if he had in big plans coming up where the researcher then replied by saying he does but he can't explain any what he means by this we do not know but it is a good idea to take not of this.
SCP-049 then expresses he wishes to have a drink which we then deliver his request with some tea.
The researcher in the cell expresses he dislikes tea and would rather have coffee hence scp-049 requests coffee for the researcher which we delivered safely.
The researcher and SCP-049 begun talking again then abruptly throws his cup onto the table.
SCP-049 expresses great concern expressing the researcher as friend, then becomes more erratic as the researcher begins to cut into himself with a piece of ceramic slicing at his artery.
We immediately call for medical and safely take him out of the cell but to our disappointment at the good test subject by the time medical made it over he had already bled out.
After the sudden death of the researcher SCP-049 expresses wishes to return to the  foundation which we reply that we will let him right after talking with him some more, where I then offer to him for me to come sit down and continue chatting with him which SCP-049 he would enjoy that.
I began by sitting down with SCP-049 and asking SCP-049 how the Foundation treated him.
SCP-049 replies that the Foundation treated him horribly and all they brought him was cows and that cows and humans were nothing alike. 
I then proceed to ask SCP-049 what was the goals of his experiments were, SCP-049 then expresses his desire to weed out a unknown disease inside of everyone.
I then proceed to ask SCP-049 how our military treated him, to this SCP-049 replies that we treated him horribly and that we had guns pointed on him as if he would kill us any moment. After chatting for a bit longer SCP-049 expresses his desire to fix the desire inside of me, which alerted me as I signal the team outside the room to get ready to pull me out, I then tell SCP-049 if he wishes we can prep him for release tomorrow back to the foundation.
SCP-049 distracted on the new topic turns away and agrees as I quickly escape the room to prep the negotiations with the foundation, but in the morning when personal went to escort SCP-049 to the foundation to sell him back SCP-049 was gone where later raid teams reported he was now once again in the Foundations custody. 

Observation 1-A: Nothing further happened afterwards.

Error/Safety Hazards: Test subject killed himself which could have been prevented by a quicker response by the medical team.

Conclusion: SCP-049 has a desire to to change humanity and remove an unknown disease which may in the future be used to extort benefit from SCP-049.
The SCP Foundation is currently working on an unknown plan that if we obtain more information we could foil.






Location Unknown 

Research Log Filed

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Grade: 85/100


Lore: 23/25


Creativity: 22/25


Presentation: 22/25


Writing: 23/25


Test quality:Good Test overall
- if you can make it on a google doc with the format dm Soggy#0600 for it if you want to make it on google docs



Former |Delta-5 2LT | Medical SM SEC FTO SM/WDL| CI RND SCR SWB IIN/CI LCPL MJ EOI Overseer Leviathan D1

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