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Expanding on the ERP rule - Denied


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What you want to see? - I would like to see the recently added rule for ERP expanded upon to generalized parental figures.

Why should we add it? - Over the past few days I have taken many sits in which the person has their name as mommy, daddy, mother, father, etc. They always try to argue it is only targeted at the four names that were posted and that we are not able to do anything about the other names that now fall under that rule. If we had the rule more generalized to any parental figure / guardian, it would decrease the amount of people trying to loophole the rules.

What are the advantages of having this? - Less confusion for players and less people trying to loophole when it comes to the MOTD.

Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

Links to any content - N/a


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-support in my opinion the rule as it stands is pretty clear, stating you can't put "mom, mommy, dad, daddy" in your name, and it is also very explicitly stated in the rules that loopholing is not allowed. I don't think this change is necessary as the rule is pretty clear and anyone trying to get around it would be obviously loopholing. A change wouldn't do any harm, of course, would just be unnecessary effort in my opinion.

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