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Ban Appeal- Denied


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Steam Name: Derzakitty , Jalebkadeb , Jaleb123

Ingame Name: Jaleb Jeb , LCPL Jaleb jeb 1C45

SteamID: catmaster75535

Ban Length: Perm

Admin that Banned you: DF 1st LT Phill 1V72

Reason for Ban: Multiple Rape Threats | Secual Harrassmentx2 - Extented

Dispute: Im sorry For what i did or say i love this community its fun and really cool i meant it as a joke I've learnt my lesion i hope you can forgive me -Jaleb jeb

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5 minutes ago, Respecter of Women Big Ben said:


“Multiple rape threats” and sexual harassment is despicable and I doubt you’ve learned your lesson in three months…

I understand how you feel like but i was messing around making gay and stupid comments now i understand thats wrong and if you dont belive me thats fine however i dont want to loose playing with a cool comunity thats fun and awesome


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i personally never ever want someone like you on the server, personally if you feel you can just fire out those type of jokes without thinking about others then i dont want you here. 
maybe next time think about what others have been through and you may have a chance to stay in a good community 


$500+ Donator

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12 minutes ago, Tactical said:

i personally never ever want someone like you on the server, personally if you feel you can just fire out those type of jokes without thinking about others then i dont want you here. 
maybe next time think about what others have been through and you may have a chance to stay in a good community 



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