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SCP-049-1 Brain Activity Test


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This test took me a lot of time to make so I really hope you enjoy it.

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Test Score Sheet

Grammar : 7/10

Your grammar is pretty much perfect, but the way you write test logs grammatically needs some changing.


  • In "Where I got this idea from" the part where you say "Patient" is clever but I wouldn't caps it.
  • Your test is mostly "I...", "I...", "I...", "I...",  its just a bad way of writing a test log
    • Because of the way you write your "I...." you have a couple of run on sentences/garbled together text

Creativity : 8/10

So many people test on SCP-049 but not many test on SCP-049-1. So your test is good. But your missing a proper hypothesis and conclusion. Its there, like I can see it in the "Where I got this idea from" section and the ending of your test where it says "This concludes my test" but they should be separated.

Design / Format :8/10

Ok, so you have so many things that are innovative but a couple other things missing that would make it perfect. First, I wanna point out your "My list of things to do" list and your "Where I got this idea from" section was amazing. So whats wrong? well your testing section docent have a title, clearance level should be "D-Class" and role shouldn't exist, the credentials section at the intro just looks wrong and could do with better formatting and the same thing goes for the ending credentials.

Final Test Score : 23/30
Its good, I would have just reformatted and separated the parts of the document better.

Edited by Super_Smitty


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