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Lore Name: Liver

Rank: Junior Researcher

SCP: 1048

Question / Idea: Provided access to human subjects, does SCP-1048 exhibit preferences for different body parts for the use of creating instances of SCP-1048-X?

Background Research: Two of the prior occurrences of SCP-1048 creating additional anomalies used biological material taken from foundation researchers. SCP-1048-C may have been created due to a lack of opportunities to procure biological material.

Hypothesis: I believe SCP-1048 finds specific components of the human body more appetizing when attempting to create a "copy" of itself. Usage of a human fetus, assuming SCP-1048 manually removed it, is a labor intensive process. Usage of ears, fingers, or toes would be more discreet and quicker to take from the unconscious host. Logically, SCP-1048 found the fetus more fit for its task than any other body part.

Observations: Upon the introduction of three restrained D-class personnel to the testing chamber containing SCP-1048, SCP-1048 approached each in turn, exhibiting affectionate behavior for nearly two minutes before one of the D-class personnel fell unconscious. At this point, SCP-1048 approached the unconscious person person and pulled on its ear, removing it in one motion. The ear was removed from SCP-1048's possession and D-class personnel were administered amnestics and medical attention before their return to D-block.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A

Analysis / Conclusion: The ear that SCP-1048 took seems to have been removed cleanly, regardless of the method of its removal. This is a nearly identical situation to the prior incident at site 24. I believe that SCP-1048 possesses a sort of memetic "lullaby" effect used to render its victims helpless while it takes source material for the creation of more copies of SCP-1048. SCP-1048 also appears to prefer ears when fetuses are not present. Further testing may be necessary to determine SCP-1048's preferences when presented with ear-less D-class personnel or pregnant women. A greater volume of tests is also necessary to ensure that our conclusion can be supported statistically.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: My hypothesis appears correct, although I would like to hold an interview and a series of tests to more emphatically provide my colleagues with certain results.

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