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SCP-3108 Off site test log

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Test Log Assigned to RFA! Please wait 1-3 days for grading!

Edited by Cecil Stedmen
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Former SCPRP: CI R&D Chief Director of Operations || Research Administrator || RFA Operations Advisory || RRH Analyst Xray 77 || CI General || Senior Event Team || CI Lieutenant Commander || Exemplary Investigator Award Recipient || STF D4 Poseidon PL7 || A1 SPC "Quantum"

Former ImperialRP: Naval Captain || Security Director || GM VI 

Former PoliceRP:  EMS Captain || RRU Rapid Response Team Manager || FBI Assistant Director 

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Overall Grade: 6.5/10

Lore: 7/10

It's clear you did a lot of research into this SCP, the lore behind this test is pretty reasonable and shows you took a lot of effort into writing this document. However, Gamma-13 specializes specifically in Anderson Robotics and doesn't really interact with other GOIs such as Gamers Against Weed from what I can tell. Delta-5 would have probably been a better fit to match more accurately with lore in my opinion.

Creativity: 7/10

You did well and clearly thought up of creative yet reasonable ideas in this log. The test idea was overall great! Keep up the work!

Presentation: 6/10

It's clear you put a lot of effort into this which I do respect. However, the colors in the last section made it very hard to read. Rule of thumb is either dark background against light text or dark text against a light background. Also using an image for the access granted portion wasn't a good choice compared to just sticking to text.

Writing: 6/10

For the most part, the writing made sense; however I did spot a couple of minor grammar/spelling errors such as misspelling thorough as "thurow" and needless capitalization of certain words. Always double check your spelling!

Notes: You did good work! If this wasn't RFA grading it prolly would have been an 8 or a 9. RFA has taken notice of the effort you put in, keep it up!

-Agent Diesel OA2

Former SCPRP: CI R&D Chief Director of Operations || Research Administrator || RFA Operations Advisory || RRH Analyst Xray 77 || CI General || Senior Event Team || CI Lieutenant Commander || Exemplary Investigator Award Recipient || STF D4 Poseidon PL7 || A1 SPC "Quantum"

Former ImperialRP: Naval Captain || Security Director || GM VI 

Former PoliceRP:  EMS Captain || RRU Rapid Response Team Manager || FBI Assistant Director 

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