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Why I should join CHAOS


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What division do you want to join (Military or R&D):

How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?
3/10 or 5/10 I mostly know the purpose of choas but I do not know how far back it dates back to.

Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum)

For starters I have background with military Role Play so that means one I know how to take orders and exsecute them/get the mission done, two I know mostly any training meaning front face, back face, etcetera, and I know how ranking structures and know that to follow higher ranking peoples orders and that we have different regiments, and finally I am very good at shooting generally. And finally I really want to be in chaos because I am feed up with how the foundation treats people and feel that choas treats it people better.

What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?

I'm a pretty good shot, or at least I am better than other people who I have watched and see that they do not aim, and also as I have said before I am good at taking orders, meaning I WILL get the job done no matter what, also I think I have good leader ship skills.

How active can you be?

I am on usually on school days at 4:30 or a little bit later than that. Also I get on mostly everyday and I usually play scientist, I can both juggle scientist and choas if needed, it doesn't hurt me, and also If I am needed to be choas I will swich teams if needed.

Do you have both TeamSpeak and Discord:

I sadly only have discord, I hope this does not effect anything because as I have said before I am a scientist and I told them the same thing I'm telling you that I do not personally trust TeamSpeak, but the science team is alright with it and I am still doing very good in the science division, so if you do need to contact me just send me a message through discord, I say once again I hope this does not affect anything.


If you are interested in me joining choas as much as I am, please send me a message through discord and I will respond as soon as I can, thank you!

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As much as I want to accept your application, teamspeak is a must for every chaos member.

Please contact me on discord for further discussion: Ruz#1797


Edited by Ruz


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