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Geeko's Armless SCP-330 Test


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Lore Name: Geeko
Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP: 330

Question / Idea: What would happen to a D-class if they took too much candy but didn't have any arms?
Background Research: SCP 330 is known to punish those who take more than the designated amount of candy by removing their arms causing them to bleed out.
Hypothesis: If an armless subject takes more than the designated amount of candy, nothing should happen as they do not have arms.

Observations (What Happened During Test): As the door to SCP-330's containment chamber opened the D-Class seemed anxious to get it over with. Maybe it was hope that the candy would bring more hope to him, or that he was still in shock from his recently removed arms. Walking up to the candy, the D-Class bent over shoving his face into the bowl of candy, as he had been instructed to do. After his 2nd piece of candy, his arms began to regrow in mere seconds. This amazed us, however it was short lived. When the D-Class ate his 4th piece of candy, his brand new set of arms fell off once more and blood came pouring out. Before his arms fell off one last time, they must have made a full recovery in less than 10 seconds. After a few minutes, it was clear the D-Class would not survive, so the Gensec gladdly shot him through he forehead, ending the experiment.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Because of the candy's healing properties, the D-Class was able to grow another pair of arms with sufficient blood flow to allow the candy to disarm him again. However his time, we were not prepared to treat him in time.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: My hypothesis was wrong, because I failed to consider how the healing properties of the candy would affect the experiment rather than only thinking about the negative properties of the candy. Overall, I will do my best next time to consider all possibilities and not be so one track minded in future tests.

R&D Chief Inspector and Poop Inspector

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