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SCP 173


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Lore Name : Cristiano
Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP: 173

Question / Idea: How fast is SCP-173 able to react to physical harm
Background Research: SCP-173 is known to snap necks and move when not looked at
Hypothesis: If SCP-173 recieves physical harm through a punch they will react in under 300 milliseconds

Observations (What Happened During Test): Class-D Was put into room, and uncuffed. They were told to punch the SCP and they did, in under 300 Milliseconds SCP-173 snapped their neck in response to the physical harm
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Dead Class-Dimage.thumb.png.b9224ac5925890bd1827ebb881d48228.png (D

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The SCP-173 has a reaction-time greater than humans
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes

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Good idea, effort was put in

It seems like with the "under 300 milliseconds" line being used twice you wanted your prediction to be spot on which is not always fun for a test. There also is next to no detail, if the D class punched while looking at it why did it attack him if he didn't close his eyes. 173 doesn't choose not to move it cannot move if being looked at and it's not explained how the D class did not look at it. Circling back to the 300 milliseconds line the average human reaction time is 250 milliseconds aka a quarter of a second and the fastest recorded (of visual stimuli) is 120 milliseconds. So while saying under 300 is not outright wrong you do not specify it as actually being faster. 

I know I might seem to be a bit to critical in this review but the reason for that is because I want to see good test logs put out. If you want help in writing test logs I'm always happy to help people and show them how to improve their logs. As far as this it would've taken a little bit more creativity put into the observations including how the D class closed his eyes or looked away allowing 173 to snap his neck as well as doing a bit of light research to ensure that the speed you put was indeed faster than humans can react. If you ever want help my DMs are always open on discord, Leviathan#2824.

Former RAM Levii Wood

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