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Abaddon Xur Inferno Squad NCO Application


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What is your In Game Name? Deputy Agent Abaddon Xur MIF46

What is your In Current Rank? Deputy Agent

What is your Agent Name? Abaddon Xur

How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad? Since  -10/11/21-

Why Do You Want To Become An NCO? [100+ Words]

I want to become a NCO because I know that I can help the Inferno Squad when it comes to tryouts, training and missions and the way I'll do that is by hosting tryouts and training whenever I can. And for the 2 days I have been in Inferno Squad I have learned how to hack, interrogate and even learned how to fly and that means a lot to me so in return I'm trying to become a NCO so I can try to give new enlisted people the same experience I had when I join Inferno Squad, I'm also trying to show to the higher ups that I'm trustworthy so when the day come's I can become a officer.

How could you assist Inferno Squad with this rank?  [50+ Words]

I could assist Inferno Squad with this rank by doing missions so more Inferno Squad would get on, I also could do more training such as hacking, breaching and maybe interrogation. I also plan on hosting tryouts for Inferno Squad every day or maybe every other day. I also will try my best to encourage the enlisted to get on so they get to experience missions and training.

How many strikes do you have? 0

Do you have any experience being an NCO/leading? If so, explain. No, Not much

What Qualifications could you bring to the Inferno Squad NCO Team? Loyalty, Activity and trying to bring more people to the squad.

Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 1 Week Trial Period?  
(Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion) Yes, I understand 

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