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SCP 012 Timing test

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Lore Name: Adams
Rank: JR
SCP: 012

Question / Idea: When a subject is placed in SCP 012's containment chamber, and looks at SCP 012, how long can the subject remain inside the chamber before expiring
Background Research: SCP 012 is a piece of sheet music, that when a human views directly will attempt to finish the composition with their own blood.
Hypothesis: Subjects placed inside SCP 012's containment chamber can be present for 10 seconds and removed from the chamber without incident 

Observations (What Happened During Test): a D-Class Personnel was placed into SCP 012's containment chamber and viewed SCP 012 directly. after 2 seconds the D-Class had punctured the corroded artery with their left thumbnail, causing death after a total of 5 seconds inside the chamber
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: None

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP 012 seams to be able to eliminate humans within as little of 5 seconds of exposure, more testing is required to find out a minimum time
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: My Hypothesis was incorrect. It was off by 5 seconds

"Read Lesearcher"

Former ranks: Research Administrator + Professor RRH Analyst Zulu 99

CCs The Patrol Officer (Owner) Snowmen (Owner)

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