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Warn appeal

Ryan th0z

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This shouldn't have been a warning but a verbal 

But I believe it is 100% fair to you to have gotten a verbal as the "I assumed" thing is never valid cuase by now I would have killed half of the server for that reason as crossfire and all of that, secondly in the clip you have like 7 less hp and I believe if he truly did stab you from the back it wouldn't have been that. To anyone reading this never use the "i took the damage so I turned around and assumed" it's petty.

EX Head Of Staff SCP-RP | CI will forever be in my heart. 1/15/21 - 8/1/22 (CI CMDR Cosmic ITLY)

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On 8/26/2021 at 9:13 PM, Some minge said:

Overall I think I am going to say -support 

Mainly because you need to always be CERTAIN someone hit you before killing them because ultimately if you were wrong you are to bear the responsability of killing someone for no reason. I had a similar situation like this happen to me a while back and the appeal wasnt accepted so I am going off that. 


Edited by .Scoob
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After reviewing the testimony and evidence provided in this appeal, the appeal has been accepted.

At issue here are two points, both falling under Foundation Staff Rule #3.

Foundation #3.PNG

Rule #3 established that Utility and Research personnel are non-combatants and can only attack D-Class and CI personnel in defense of themselves, other non-combatants, or if they're interfering with Site Operations. In the video provided, it appears that the appealing player is the only non-combatant inside the shelter, meaning that the D-Class attacking the combatants does not trigger that threshold. It is hard to see, however it appears the D-Class did take a swipe at the appealing player, which may trigger the self defense clause, had the D-Class not disengaged and attacked other targets. As such the self defense and defense of others clause is not met here.

Secondly is determining whether D-Class were interfering in Site Operations. In this incident, the Foundation was under a Code Nuke, and personnel were evacuating to panic shelters to get to safety. Hostile individuals inside a panic room does in fact meet the criteria of the D-Class interfering with Site Operations, as they are preventing Foundation personnel from reaching safety and saving themselves. As such, this does trigger the Site Operation clause, making this a valid kill.

As such, this warning has been revoked and removed from your record.

  • Gaminglight Love 2

Retired SCP-RP Head of Staff

March 3rd, 2019 - December 16th, 2021

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