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Hello, this is researcher Crowno or some may know me as Dr. Crowno, today I will be logging a test on SCP-009 located at site ████ in sector ████. the test preformed on SCP-009 involves 5 buckets of different water, each bucket was labeled with a letter that corresponds with the water in the bucket.
Bucket A: This is the base line bucket filled with just normal    drinking water
Bucket M: This bucket is filled with murky lake water
Bucket S: This bucket is filled with salt water
Bucket R: This bucket is filled with mineral water
Bucket P: This bucket is filled with the cleanest water I could get my hands one

Test log #A-0: Baseline bucket had taken 30 seconds to form SCP-009 ice crystals and was completely frozen in 1 minute.

Test log #M-1: The bucket was brought into SCP-009's containment cell by use of a pulley system, I had walked in with a fully dry black hazmat suit and picked the bucket off the pulley and placed it on the ground, I proceeded to bring a small chunk of SCP-009 in contact with the bucket. It had taken 1 minute to form SCP-009 ice crystals and had taken 2 minutes to fully freeze.

Test log #S-2: The bucket was brought into SCP-009's containment cell by use of a pulley system, I had walked in with a fresh fully dry black hazmat suit and picked the bucket off the pulley system, I brought SCP-009 in contact with the bucket. It had taken 10 seconds for SCP-009 ice crystal to form and 30 seconds to fully freeze.

Test log #R-3: The bucket was brought into SCP-009's containment cell by use of a pulley system, I had walked in with a fresh fully dry black hazmat suit and picked the bucket off the pulley system, I brought SCP-009 in contact with the bucket. it had taken 3 minutes for SCP-009 ice crystals to form and 5 minutes to fully freeze

Test log #P-4: The bucket was brought into SCP-009's containment cell by use of a pulley system, I had walked in with a fresh fully dry black hazmat suit and picked the bucket off the pulley system, I brought SCP-009 in contact with the bucket. It had taken 1 minute for SCP-009 ice crystals to form and 1 minute for it to fully freeze

 Test concluded signing off this is Researcher Crowno 

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Final Score: 90/100
Great test idea
Observations are pretty detailed
No spelling errors to my knowledge

Format isn't the greatest

Pretty short


Edited by Eyelander

|retired dhor/meritorious service award recipient||former CI 1lt/sm and E4 C2||Rho 36 Shaman|
"For the day I die, imma touch the sky"

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