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SCP-096 & 999.


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Lore Name: Olbap
Rank: SR
SCP: 096 & 999.

Question / Idea: Would 999 "cure" 096 of what he feels sad about. 
Background Research: SCP 096 is a male human standing at approximately 7.8 FT. He's shows very little muscle. His arms are grossly out-of-proportion, with the rest of his body. He also shows no sign of any bodily hair. His jaw can open 4X the normal size of an average human male. Upon looking at his face, 096 will show extreme stress, and will begin screaming with covering his hands over his face. Test results show, after 1 to 2 mins after viewing his face either from a picture, video footage, or even seeing him as a small pixel in a picture, he will learn where  you're located & kill you. He can run at an extreme pace, nobody knows how fast he can really go. 
Hypothesis: I was hoping I found something new that can contain 096. I don't think 999 can "cure" 096 from whatever he's suffering, but at least make him "happy."

Observations (What Happened During Test): Once I brought 999 in 096's Containment Cell, he didn't seem worried. 999 walked right into 096's room without fearing him. I closed the door, and listened closely. Upon 999 entering the room, 096 was heavily crying & wandering around in the room. Whenever 999 got into contact with 096, he stopped crying a couple seconds after 999 got near him. 096 seemed happy & 999 tickled him multiple times, then it all went silent. 
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: I was the only one to witness the test.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): I think 999 effects will work on anyone. It seemed to make 096 feel happy.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: I think it was a success. 

Edited by Sploosh Man.

                       | Assistant Maintenance Manager Red Right Hand Engineer | CI SPA |   ▅▅ ▅▅▅                                                                                          Sub-Branches | HLPR Bot - Mobile Mop Force -  | Senior Containment Specialist | CI Field Researcher | CI Bio-Engineer

                                                           Former: RRA Professor, Research Supervisor, Red Right Hand Analyst, Sec SGT & CI SFC.

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Forgot to add the missed punctuation & some other stuff. 

                       | Assistant Maintenance Manager Red Right Hand Engineer | CI SPA |   ▅▅ ▅▅▅                                                                                          Sub-Branches | HLPR Bot - Mobile Mop Force -  | Senior Containment Specialist | CI Field Researcher | CI Bio-Engineer

                                                           Former: RRA Professor, Research Supervisor, Red Right Hand Analyst, Sec SGT & CI SFC.

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This test has been done to death. This and the 096 mirror test are the basic tests people do. Im not gonna knock yours though. It was fine, However in the future don't be afraid to do more creative testing. Overall 80/100

Former DHOR Tomato

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