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SCP 1459 Test


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Lore Name: Dodo

Rank: AR

SCP: 1459

Question/Idea: Can SCP 1459's depictions of ways to die tell us anything about CI's methods of terminating foundation MTF and Security personnel during raids?

Background Research: SCP 1459 is a modified crane game arcade machine. When a quarter is placed into SCP 1459's front slot, a claw will descend from the top of the machine and will deposit SCP 1459-1, a live Canis Lupus Familiaris (domestic dog) puppy into the machine's glass viewing chamber. After the instance is deposited a recording prompting the player to press a button on the front of the machine and describe a way of terminating SCP 1459-1 will play. Once the player does so, mechanical arms will descend from the top of the machine and terminate SCP 1459-1 in whatever way the player described. Once SCP 1459-1 is terminated, SCP 1459 will dispense a cookie through its front slot.

Hypothesis: SCP 1459 depictions of ways to die are typically accurate to actual terminations. (With the exception that the entity being terminated is a puppy.) I think that SCP 1459's depictions could provide intel about CI's methods of raiding foundation sites.

Observations (What Happened During Test): A quarter was inserted into SCP 1459's front slot and after SCP 1459-1 was lowered into its glass viewing chamber, SCP 1459 was given the prompt "Killed in a raid on a foundation site by the Chaos Insurgency." Several mechanical claws lowered from the top of 1459. One grabbed SCP 1459-1 and equipped it with a small set of body armor modified to fit it and a miniature rifle. Notably the body armor had the foundation symbol. SCP 1459 then dispensed 5 more instances of SCP 1459-1 into its glass viewing chamber. These instances were outfitted with similar body armor and rifles. three of the six total instances had the the foundation symbol on their armor, while the other three had the chaos insurgency symbol on their armor. Miniatures of versions of chairs, desks and other common office items materialized inside SCP 1459's viewing chamber. As well as a sign on the wall that stated "Welcome to site [REDACTED]." For the sake of writing SCP 1459-1 instances with the Foundation symbol of their armor will be referred to as SCP 1459-1-F, and instances of SCP 1459-1 with the Chaos Insurgency symbol on their armor will be referred to as SCP 1459-1-C. Also of note is that one of the SCP 1459-1-C instances had a pair of miniature night vision goggles on as well as an unknown electronic device in its left front paw. All instances of SCP 1459-1-F and SCP 1459-1-C began firing on each other, periodically taking cover behind the miniature chairs and desks. in the initial skirmish 2 instances of SCP 1459-1-C and one instance of  SCP 1459-1-F were terminated. The remaining instance of SCP 1459-1-C clutched the unknown electronic device in its paw and disappeared. The instance reappeared 4 seconds later behind the remaining 2 instances of SCP 1459-1-F and terminated them with its rifle. The SCP 1459-1-C instance was them terminated via SCP 1459's standard bludgeoning method. SCP 1459 dispensed 3 peanut butter cookies and 3 chocolate chip cookies.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A (Offsite Test)

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): It seems that SCP 1459 can accurately depict Chaos Insurgency raids on foundation sites. Albeit that all combatants in SCP 1459's depictions are puppies. SCP 1459's depiction seems to imply that the Chaos Insurgency has created some sort of cloaking device to allow their forces to ambush foundation personnel during raids.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: My hypothesis was correct in that SCP 1459 did give us some valuable intel about the Chaos Insurgency's methods of raiding foundation sites. There is one issue however, SCP 1459 will never repeat the same scenario twice. If given the same prompt, the anomaly will simply play a message indicating that the desire method has already been used. So repeat tests done in the same fashion in an attempt to gain more information are effectively stonewalled.


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Grade:90 (A)
Lore: 20/20
I see nothing wrong with the lore here
Creativity: 20/20
The creativity in this test is good
Presentation: 10/20
You could have made this test log look far better but its fine how it is
Nothing is wrong with the writing in this test log

Foundation Doctor,

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