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SCP-033 Test! "The candy"


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Lore Name: Konig
Rank:    Junior Researcher
SCP:   SCP-033

Question / Idea:  I wanted to see how the Subject that grab's 3 candies will suffer from his hands falling off. being teared apart and possibly dying..
Background Research:   This SCP Has been famous for ripping the hands apart of innocent people who grabbed 3 Candies instead of 2 like its instructed on the SCP's documents..
Hypothesis:    My Hypothesis is.. That the subject hands will fall off. after that the subject will bleed out finally dying from the worst death that i ever saw.
Observations The subject grabbed the first candy and ate it. he said that it was "A good candy" After that he instantly grabbed another one and ate it. saying "Yummy!" In a happy way. After he grabbed another candy his arm were rippen appart. they feel to the ground and seconds after the subject began screaming. he asked for help but sadly the blood loss was stronger. He passed away seconds after..
Evidence/Visual Stimule (N/A)

Analysis / Conclusion I think that the thing that caused this is because the SCP Is showing a weird unknown force. Making the subject arms be rippen appart quickly due the ammount of pressure that is given to his hand.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:  Yes. Almost i would say a 87%

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Score 4/10

+ Hypothesis is clear.

+ Observations is clear.

+ Ok conclution

- No pictures/videos

- Test idea is rather uninteresting and can be predicted easily. 

- Background research is short and doesn't really describe the SCP.

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