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SCP 610 basic intelligence testing

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Name: John Paul Jones

Current rank: LR

Who else was with you: 2 MTF NU7, 1 D class and 1 Senior Maintenance.

SCP: 610 the flesh that hates.


The goal of the test was to find out how extensive is 610's ability to understand direct commands and its dexterity (basic intelligence testing). The nature of this test is the determine weather 610 can perform new tasks if offered a reward.

The test started by setting up a table with a battery and a handheld computer. 610 was instructed place the battery inside of the electronic computer. 610 refused to assist during this part of testing. 610 was offered 1D class as a reward for participation. Approximately 3 minutes after this 610 began attempting to manipulate the battery with his finer tentacle protrusions. After several failed attempts 610 was able to slide the battery into the handheld computers casing. 610 was then asked to give researcher bubble buddy (an inflatable dummy that looks like a researcher for safety purposes) the handheld computer. 610 then cave researcher bubble buddy the handheld computer. the test then entered the cleanup phase where are we removed all material from 610’s cell and sanitized it. After this was complete the D class was provided to 610. At this point 610 grabbed the declass and converted it into another instance of 610. 610 then began making strange auditory noises and entered into a passive or hibernation like state.


To summarize I found the SCP’s intelligence to be slightly above expectations but its dexterity seems somewhat limited.






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Fun test log. I like this idea and would like to see it expanded on more. The only issue im seeing is you have some spelling and grammar issues. They are fairly consistent so im going to deduct some points. Overall, good job.


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Former DHOR Tomato

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