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SCP-096-VZ Testing Log

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If you could add more detail to what's the test/observation that would be very much appreciated because currently I'm stumbled.
Once you finish adding more detail ping me on the forums and I will get right into grading your test. 



"Foundation Doctor and a Medical Doctor are 2 god damn different things." -Light   "Can you heal me."-Entire Foundation   "Ok Sophia"-Arium

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Grade: 70/100

Its well written.

Lore is correct from what understand

I'm going to be honest from my perspective reading it over and over it sounds like you are gathering samples and say that you have gathered artifacts of SCP-096's capabilities, and I don't know if any RP was involved in the sense of what I suggest is next time you gather samples give the information/images on what you gathered looking through the samples. Its really a more of an log of something you did not really a test.




"Foundation Doctor and a Medical Doctor are 2 god damn different things." -Light   "Can you heal me."-Entire Foundation   "Ok Sophia"-Arium

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