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Crimlock testing SCP-999


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Item #: SCP-999


Object Class: Safe



D-Class asks to be uncuffed, and the experiment begins. It takes some time before the D-Class starts to play with SCP-999 and starts throwing punches at SCP-999. When ordered to stop, SCP-999 backed up outside of its containment into a corner. Continuing with the experiment,  the subject starts playing with SCP-999 as ordered. When asked questions like, “What did you feel before playing with SCP-999?” moments later the subject responds with, “I felt very depressed before playing with SCP-999.” After a few more seconds of the D-Class playing along with the experiment, Junior Researcher Crimlock asks another question. “How do you feel now?” Without hesitation, the subject responds with, “I feel good now, and a little less depressed than before.”


Conclusion: The Class-D claimed to feel a little bit better and less depressed, but still almost felt the same way.


Hypothesis: SCP-999 helps the D-Class cure their depression.

Rank: Junior Researcher

Lore Name: Crimlock




All credits go to the SCP Wiki.

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